First Post!

Benn Banasik
Divinity and Dice
1 min readOct 23, 2015


After completing one of the most exciting study periods of my life I’m inevitably going to have the itch to continue to do something to fill the wee hours of the morning. So to save me alphabetising my spice collection I have this blog!

Thanks to Travis Holland for the short advice on Medium, it seems good so far! The aim of my corner of the internet is to expand on my thoughts on culture, theology, gaming and anything of interest.

Eclectic is an understatement, unnecessary is an overstatement.




Benn Banasik
Divinity and Dice

Husband, Dad, Advisor for Judy Hannan MP & Former Mayor and Councillor for #Wollondilly. Views are my own, thoughts on philosophy, political thought and gaming.