Who do we sing for? We sing for…. Putin?

The unusual happenings of active support, rumours & Russia

Benn Banasik
Divinity and Dice
3 min readOct 23, 2015


The mighty Western Sydney Wanderers are due to invade the city of Sydney today! It is one of the best experiences to go there with fellow fans and members of the Red and Black Bloc, singing and cheering our team onto victory!

There has been some strange discussions over the past few weeks however that I’m really unsure what we can conclude. Firstly there was the creation of this page on facebook of what looks to be a new group forming in the bloc. Now it should be said that groups are not unusual to football teams, nor are they alien to the Wanderers, what made the WST different was their want to reportedly break away due to management disagreement with the RBB. If they feel that way fair enough, not sure of the issue personally but I’ll chant along with the loudest supporters of the team and club. This however was only the start of things getting a little.. strange.

The Western Sydney Terrace in all it’s glory.

Cue the lols. The creation of the Western Sydney Gazebo facebook page is my new most favourite shiny thing since this.

Ok maybe that is stretching it a bit, nevertheless the page is top kek mate, making light of what some are treating the renewal of the cold war, a call to move to defcon 1 and rebuild that wall which separated Europe for a good few generations. If you think that is all a stretch then strap in because you’re about to be flung around faster than a 2 minute trip down the shops to get milk before your tea goes cold on the counter.

You see, dear reader, the reason for the break in the bloc has never been made clear by the WST, leading to guesswork, rumours and what sounds like plain lunacy. Apparently there is one side, the story changes depending on who reports and which likely ill informed blogger reports, that likes Putin.. a lot. The other side, again which ever one depends on your source, supports the Western nations response to global affairs. Deep hey! This Putin argument led to a good old yell fest and then a formal split into a new faction.

A Western Sydney football team supporters breaking off because of a response to the Russian president? More than finding it a bit comical I think it is absolutely incredible!

What Putin, the guy who many best know him for taking his shirt off and riding things, has to do with football I’m not sure. It does go to show that Western Sydney never ceases to surprise, delight and confuse me with the unexpected.

Never change Western Sydney, stay classy, stay unexpected and now let’s show those smurfs that Sydney is Red and Black!

See you all tonight in Sydney!



Benn Banasik
Divinity and Dice

Husband, Dad, Advisor for Judy Hannan MP & Former Mayor and Councillor for #Wollondilly. Views are my own, thoughts on philosophy, political thought and gaming.