Amidst a Trying Bear Market for ICOs, Divi Raises Over $1M in First Round

Divi Cryptocurrency
Divi Project
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2017

Just six months ago it seemed that every new initial coin offering was raking in the big bucks with little to no effort. People were excited about the prospect of 100x gains, new technologies, a financial revolution…

Oh how the tables have turned.

We are now amidst a market that is not only experiencing heavy “ICO Fatigue,” with over 310 active sales, but one that is also preparing for one of the most hyped events in Bitcoin history.

With two upcoming forks, one of which promises to be very profitable for investors, people are all but ignoring alt coins and the oft scam-ridden ICO industry.

ICOs are struggling to reach the once easily attainable soft caps, let alone the highly sought after, multi-million dollar hard caps. It seems the odds are stacked against these young startups who once needed no more than a simple WordPress site to become overnight millionaires.

Against all odds, Divi Prevails

Thanks to the support of one of the strongest, grass roots communities in the cryptocurrency industry, Divi has seen success in it’s first Public Phase round of fund raising.

As of the time of writing Divi has raised 3,516 ETH, equivalent to $1,056,844.69 with 19 days left in the public sale, and is 83% of the way to the soft cap.

With just over two days left in the 30% bonus round, and the Bitcoin fork just around the corner, time will tell what the future holds for us here at The Divi Project, but one thing is certain — excitement fills the air amongst our team and community.

