Divi Beta Notes: 5-tier Masternodes

Regina Bauzaite
Divi Project


One of Divi’s most progressive features is our tiered masternode system, which enables five levels of affordability:

  • Diamond — 10,000,000 Divi
  • Platinum — 3,000,000 Divi
  • Gold — 1,000,000 Divi
  • Silver — 300,000 Divi
  • Copper — 100,000 Divi

Masternodes were originally created by Dash to incorporate additional functionality (“InstantSend” and “PrivateSend”) to their network. These days, Dash masternodes are virtually unaffordable due to the coin’s rising price; new users are therefore locked out of increased returns and voting in Dash’s ecosystem.

We have many ideas for new functionality that masternodes could provide — and will be announcing some of the most exciting possibilities shortly (think artificial and collective intelligence). The fees for this new functionality will not only fund the increased returns of masternodes — but will also drive increased purchasing of Divi, thus advancing the overall network value for all participants. PIVX’s see-saw algorithm has been enhanced to adjust the relative populations of the various tiers of masternodes as necessary to support the demand for each tier’s added functionality.

In addition, we are introducing the opportunity for multiple people to fund a given masternode, with the rewards being distributed according to their relative funding percentages. However, the see-saw algorithm can temporarily disable this for new masternodes of a given tier if its relative population becomes too high.

Unfortunately for us, the code relied far too heavily on the assumptions of:

  • A single type of masternode
  • Funded by only one wallet
  • With a hard-coded value of 10,000 (in two different forms in a half-dozen places)

Fortunately for everyone, we radically rewrote the code for core parts of the masternode system:

  • Massively simplifying the set-up procedure and removing activemasternode.cpp & .h;
  • Refactoring masternode.cpp & .h, masternodeman.cpp & .h and masternode-payments.cpp & .h to roughly one-third their previous size and an order of magnitude faster speed
  • And making minor but critical changes to init.cpp, main.cpp and miner.cpp.

Our plan is to conceptually simplify Divi and further optimize our code for speed, maintainability and future enhancements.

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