Divi Crypto Podcast, EP 181

Divi Project
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2022

Standing Out In Crypto Today with Arsenal NFT Owner — Scott Kapun

On this episode of the DIVI Crypto Podcast, our host Steve McGarry is joined by Scott “Kap” Kapun, the creator and owner of Arsenal NFT. To start the show, the two get into Scott’s professional background in IT as a network engineer and what appealed to him about Crypto. Scott gets into the mission behind Arsenal and how he sees people doing the same thing as everyone else in the industry today. Steve asks about the unique terminology associated with Arsenal and its functions, such as their “Spoils of War” and what it means for users. As they dive into the specifics of Arsenal and their NFTs, Steve has Scott elaborate on some of the things that make Arsenal unique from its competition and what he sees as Arsenal’s full potential.

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Scott ‘Kap’ Kapun is the creator, owner, and project lead at Arsenal NFT. He has over eight years of experience in network engineering and over a decade in cryptocurrencies. His goal is to change the way Crypto/Defi projects interact with their communities while providing the tools and groundwork for all who participate to earn passive income from the Arsenal NFT Ecosystem.

