A developer’s routine and challenges: a chat with Lucas Gomes from our team

Luiz Eduardo
Published in
6 min readApr 29, 2021

“What motivates me to work is being able to use my knowledge to make other people’s projects possible, and make their experience the best ever because of my work.” says our developer Lucas Gomes about his motivations for working.

Check out more about this inspiring chat!

1. What are the advantages of working remotely as a developer?

“For me it is freedom and being able to make the most of time. By working remotely, I can use the time I’d spend to travel to the company, to do some other activity, whether it be exercising, studying or sleeping a little more.

In addition, I can also work from anywhere, with a good internet connection, of course. One more thing that makes a total difference for me is having the comfort of home to pause at any time to pay attention to my cats, to eat something. These are points that I consider to be great differentials.”

2. What challenges do you face daily and what do you do to solve them?

“Nowadays, one of the biggest challenges that I have working remotely with different clients and, in my case, in a different language, is to reconcile all projects at the same time and maintain good communication with them. And by that, I mean letting them know what’s being done, giving some updates regarding delivery expectations.

This is something I am trying to improve, because communication, even if it’s not remote, is a big challenge. Many times in order to face these challenges, I end up sharing some situations with co-workers, it helps to reach a point of view that maybe dealing with this alone I wouldn’t have. ”

3. How do you organize your routine on a work day?

“I think that having a more volatile routine is one of the advantages of working remotely. Usually my routine varies according to how busy the week is due to the projects I’m working on.

Considering a calm scenario, I usually reserve a time before starting work to go to the gym and after work to practice other activities like Yoga and Krav Maga. When I start to work, the first hour I reserve to reply to messages, to review code and/or to help someone who has any questions. Of course, these activities are also done during the day, but it’s a little more common to have more of them in the early hours. Along the day my routine is normal, solving bugs, implementing new features, helping the team with whatever is needed, breaks to eat and solving some more bugs.

This was in a calm scenario, when the scenario is a little more chaotic, I end up changing the time to go to the gym, I choose to go at some other time to be able to solve something that is a little more urgent before.

But if someone asks me for a routine suggestion I’d say to always dedicate a time of your day to your mental and physical health, it’s very important to have this every day, you feel more productive and more willing, not to mention having mental health up-to-date in our area is extremely important. ”

4. What motivates you to work?

“Well, everyone knows that when you have cats, the motivation to work is the necessity to buy good food and toys for them…

Just kidding… what motivates me to work is being able to use my knowledge to make other people’s projects possible, and make their experience the best possible because of my work. In addition to this relationship with clients and projects, nowadays I see that I can impact people who are starting in the area too, whether by giving a tip, teaching something new, in short, helping in some way that I wish they had helped me when I was starting too .

And of course there is the financial issue, where I try to do my job in the best possible way so that I can be well rewarded and manage to provide a comfortable life for my cats, obviously. ”

5. What kind of projects do you like the most? And what do you like least?

“I like to work on projects where there is something I have never done before, something more challenging that requires me to do some research in order to implement something you have in the project. I don’t like working on monotonous projects, where I have to do the same thing over and over again, over time this type of project causes a lot of dissatisfaction. ”

6. How is Divisio linked to your professional growth?

“At Divisio I’ve grown a lot professionally, I’d say that I managed, mainly, to improve my soft skills. I was able to greatly improve my communication, confidence and sense of responsibility. This of course I’ve achieved with the help of the team, through the transparency that exists here. In all kinds of difficulties I can always talk easily and have all possible support. I could extract good lessons from the difficulties that appeared. ”

7. Tell us how you feel when you don’t deliver a project on time. Any example that you would have done differently?

“At first I get frustrated, but then I try to understand what went wrong and try to prevent it from happening again. This has happened a few times and the main factor that caused this type of problem was the lack of communication. Sometimes I stopped questioning, because I thought I’d already understood what the client wanted, but I learned that even if a I have a doubt that I believe may be silly or trivial, the best choice is to always ask and make everything very clear. It’s often better to make the implicit explicit than to be frustrated later. ”

8. What skills and technologies are you interested in improving?

“I certainly need to improve everything that involves unit testing, integration testing, end to end, etc. And, lately I am missing a little more about DevOps. I think that at first these are the areas that I am most interested in improving and learning from. ”

9. How do you deal with disagreements in the team? Do you think you work better alone or as a team?

“I’ve never had a disagreement with any team I’ve ever worked with, but I’ve witnessed some cases and many of them were caused by trivial reasons that could’ve been solved with a simple conversation. Unfortunately what happens is that people are more interested in their own point of view, I think that in order to have a team with a healthy relationship, it’s necessary to be willing and open to understand all sides, not to mention that no one is the same. And because of that I think I need to mold myself a little in the way of some people so that I can have easier access to them.

For always having a good relationship with the teams I worked, I always try to avoid disagreements, but of course there is that moment where I just wanted to put my phone on and enter the Matrix, but even so, without the team I am just one more.”

10. What is the biggest difference in working at Divisio?

“I think it’s not knowing what challenge is going to come up the next day and the freedom to be able to share my ideas are great differentials, besides, all the time we try to improve our processes, improve the culture, understand what happens with each one and try to leave a pleasant environment for everyone, no matter how difficult it may be. ”



Luiz Eduardo
Editor for

CEO at Divisio. I work with inevitable people for a connected world.