Digital age and user experience: what is changing in the relationship between companies and consumers?

Yasmin Falconi
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2021

We’ve been through a lot of changes recently with the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic. We brought up some interesting points about how technology has been transforming and changing companies and the relationship of brands with their customers.

Now, companies need to invest in the relationship with the customer. If before a company’s concern was an industry giant, or a competitor on the corner, today, this dispute has gone global. Surveys point out 46% of Brazilians made more online purchases in the pandemic — a remember the digital age has arrived. Adapt to these changes and have your company stay up and work under any circumstances.

Brands must adopt a more human tone to get closer to the customers’ reality. That’s why a marketing strategy called Human 2 Human is being put into practice. The concept, which started to be discussed in 2013, analyses people and their human relationships. It’s important to understand how people react to economic recovery and find out the right strategy to deal with that. Try to create a good relationship always.

The product is no longer the focus of the customer. The company no longer manufactures just what it wants, and they have to pay attention to customers’ needs through constant research. Generating value for the user is the main focus. Humility, sensitivity, courage, and authenticity will help your company stay strong during and after the pandemic.

The customer will decide whether your brand experience was positive or negative — Pay attention to the contact points. We are referring to the customer experience and all the contacts that consumers have with a company during the stages of the sales funnel. Make the trajectory positive.

Consider specific user interactions with an application or website. The way consumers’ relate to your channels is an important bond. People attract people. Real sponsors of your brand will only attract more people interested in buying your product. That is why the relationship between your customer and e-commerce is important. A Nielsen survey shows 92% of consumers say they trust referrals. But today, the reach of a bad experience is devastating. A negative report can reach millions of Internet users, and it cannot be suitable for your company and product.

Here are three quick tips to help you delight your customer and get them to publicize your brand to more people:

  1. UX Design- The objective is to ensure that the user has the best user experience with any product or service. It is an abbreviation for User Experience. Organization, aesthetics, and responsiveness are essential points for UX. Having a well-structured online store is a good step.
  2. Communication Channels- Have access to a direct communication channel. Telephone, e-mail, and social networks are examples. A practical example is using chatbots that provide a channel every day, 24 hours. Chatbots can make all the difference to your e-commerce and the success of your product.
  3. Attention to Check Out- Don’t take the time to finalize payment too long or too complex. Make it simple and easy, or the chance of the purchase not being completed is enormous. Consider the agility your costumers’ want in the user experience in e-commerce. Provide the greatest possible security for your customer to make his data available when purchasing. Data’s leaking can be wasting.

Adapt to the new era of the market and consumers. Don’t fall asleep at the wheel. Always invest in tests and research to improve your relationship with your customer. Create a good atmosphere between brand and audience — more dynamic, human, and interactive approaches. Focus on generating a relationship and turning your customers into sponsors of your brand because the experience you provide is unforgettable.

To finish, here are 5 quick tips for summarizing everything. Use the tips to attract customers even in a crisis:

  • Prioritize agility
  • Strengthen empathy
  • Values transparency
  • Diversify channels
  • Exceed expectations

Have processes to win the trust of your consumers. Bet on innovative solutions; trying is the best way to find the best solutions.

