Human connection: how to reignite it in our digital communications

Luiz Eduardo
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2021

Our way of communicating has changed with the pandemic. Nowadays, the computer screen or the cell phone screen is where we communicate most of the time.

Our way of connecting with others has changed both personally and professionally. With the home office, conversations with co-workers are limited to the use of digital tools. And friends, we can even talk sometimes, but nothing is like before. And so it is with our friends and family.

Are we losing human connection?

On the one hand, we are more connected than ever. The internet allows us to chat with our friends anytime, anywhere, no matter where we are. On the other hand, we lose sight of the meaning of words spoken live, non-pixelated facial expressions, body language and gestures that come with true personal contact.

This made our communications empty. Think about how many people were part of your routine, and today, you hardly speak to each other anymore. At work, just doing your job, without interacting or talking to your team, is an endless prison.

How to improve it?

Communicating only virtually, much of our natural empathy and human interest that should be the engine of all our exchanges, has been eroded, making us act and respond as robots. So how do we do it on the computer?

At Divisio, we interact throughout the workday, which is essential. We don’t just answer “yes” or “no”, I am talking about real interactions. Keeping our work aligned, fun and interactive is our forte.

So, we are going to give you some tooltips that can help you reignite your human connections, without necessarily having to see the person (watch out for quarantine). Working and living together is much better.

We here at Divisio always use:

  • Slack- This is more for your job. Slack has several cool features that can help you have more exciting and non-robotic conversations. Like: send gifs, react with emojis, make voice or video calls, create groups to interact with your colleagues — Your work environment can also be fun on the internet, send memes, chat, share something funny.
  • Zoom- Video calls are a great escape for people who can’t see their friends, relatives, colleagues, and so on. With this tool you can see the person by video and listen to their voice, and you can also record the call for later viewing. This is a great tip to set up a meeting with all your friend or with the whole family just to chat.
  • Whatsapp- It can be used for something much more personal and allows for lots of fun interactions! By sharing videos, photos, memes, audios, and so on, you end up making your connections more active. Send a message without having a reason, make groups with friends and family. The world needs more real interactions.

Human connection is important

Scientific data shows that people live longer when they have strong relationships, deep friendships and deeper connections. There are thousands of apps available that can instantly connect you with the people you care about. However, we rarely use the liveliness that these instant connections can bring to our day, because we are “too busy” to slow down and really feel how much we need it. Whether these functions are professional or personal, we owe much more to them and to ourselves.

Save time to talk to your loved ones, make an appointment to make a call, show interest by asking how the person is doing, play with your friends, innovate.

We are living in two worlds: the physical and the digital. It is important to remember which one promotes the true human connection and which one leads us to think that we are connecting only with perfect feeds that don’t really exist.

If you feel that contact between people in your company is lacking, encourage more fun work with the tips given here. Make a difference and see how you can brighten someone’s day. Be like Divisio and encourage the best communication you can!



Luiz Eduardo
Editor for

CEO at Divisio. I work with inevitable people for a connected world.