The biggest challenges women in tech face, and how to insert them into the market

Luiz Eduardo
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2021

Women are taking on positions of great importance., in the labor market. The struggle for equality is not new, and it needs to be discussed. Many things are changing but women still have to deal with issues that hinder female achievement, especially in the professional environment.

The lack of gender diversity in the tech area is one of the problems faced by many women. But, with the various resources we have today, the market is transforming, and women are becoming part of companies and composing teams that make a difference, just like in Divisio! Female insertion in scientific positions is increasing, all because of market changes.

But, until the fight is over, we have a lot to do. So let’s talk about the biggest challenges women in tech face

  • Prejudice in the work environment: Many still see women as more fragile and who need to work twice as hard to reach the desired goal. Also, promotions for women are less frequent and the standards applied are stricter. A woman can be seen as unpleasant by not acting as men expect, damaging her image and autonomy in the company.
  • Brogrammer culture: Stereotypes can still dictate many things. And for a developer, the “perfect” image is still that of a man, where the female audience in the world of IT is not included. Many still have difficulty accepting women in the area of technology.
  • Female leadership: Speaking of Brazil, according to a survey by TWIRI, 27% of companies have no women in a leadership position. With these data we can already see how low and frightening the percentage is.
  • Male predominance: The female audience represents only 15% of those enrolled in computer science in Brazil. This shows that many times a team has only one woman, which can generate a series of difficulties such as: insecurity and fear, in addition to leaving them vulnerable to sexist comments.

All of this starts at universities, where 79% of women drop out the IT course. The large presence of men can make the environment hostile and eventually make women give up — And, we have the bad old prejudices such as: the fact of women becoming pregnant, or having children to take care of. There are few companies that encourage the hiring of more women in the labor market, and especially in the world of technology, be the one that encourages.

The future of women in the IT market

Companies with a well-defined internal culture, such as Divisio, are already one step ahead and gender is no longer a criterion for hiring — Efforts and programs for female insertion in the technology market are already making a difference and bringing good results.

According to McKinsey & Company, “Women in the Workplace 2019”, the growth of women in C-Level chairs grew by 24%. There is still no data for other positions, but we can already see a significant advance.

There is still a lot of incentive for us to change this scenario. You must now act as a company that aims at difference and inclusion. We give you some tips for your company:

  • Invest and bring specific incentive programs for women;
  • Bet on training and development in the IT areas;
  • To reformulate its policy of positions and salaries for women, leaving them on an equal footing with men;
  • Treat all women and men fairly at work, respecting and supporting human rights and non-discrimination;
  • Establish corporate leadership based on gender equality;
  • Guarantee the health, safety and well-being of all women and men who work in the company;

Be a company that supports

Companies that are already realizing the female workforce are growing. Women’s empowerment is not just about privileges, it is about getting the female audience to be seen for their qualities and efforts, promoting gender equality.

Follow the tips above and become a company that contributes to equality. Be like Divisio and bet without fear on the powers that women can and are bringing.

Are you a woman and want to enter the world of IT? Get in touch with us and send your curriculum!



Luiz Eduardo
Editor for

CEO at Divisio. I work with inevitable people for a connected world.