A JIRA for the construction industry

Krishna SL
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2018

Project management system is not just required for the IT professionals! There was a dire need for every industry to be organised.

Often, we see the construction workers perform a variety of tasks be it architecting, plumbing, electrical, interior designing, painting, furniture design and really building, etc in an unorganised way. A thorough way of estimating the efforts involved or managing the project have never been done in a digitised way. This had lead to a lot of inefficiencies and people have been living with the same for ages!

Why not create a JIRA kind of software for them! Can the real JIRA be used? The needs are different and the users are never the same. There was a custom solution required!

This is where we had helped to get the mobile solutions up and running to help the construction industry tackle this problem. This was done in a quick 4 months period using which a complete system to manage the entire construction industry was delivered.

The contractors can anytime login to the app and see the drawings of the particular room or floor created by the engineers. The user friendly interface had a detailed specifications attached to every item in drawings. These drawings are extracted as pdf and any users of the system can mark or annotate over the drawing to comment.

Observation created a key part where the supervisor created an observation pinpointing an item which has to be fixed. This was accompanied with detailed photos and it was then assigned to a person to work on it.

Daily log allowed the project supervisor to understand what did everybody worked on that day and all these are tagged against the observations.

A dashboard containing the status of each item and a overdue notification system made the MVP complete and helped in improving the efficiency of these construction workers!

This is not one of the products that came out from us in the construction industry but the list goes on to create an impact in every area of it. More on that in the upcoming stories!

If you are interested in something similar, reach out to us at getmyproduct@divum.in

