International Women’s Day in New York

Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2018

Diwala was invited to attend the International Women’s Day in New York, arranged by Innovation Norway and UN Woman, hosted by SAP. The Crown Princess of Norway, Mette-Marit opened up with a very inspiring speech, and after followed several panel debates discussing financial inclusion, blockchain technology and investment in female entrepreneurs as key drivers for transformative change.

Thea, our CEO was a part of the panel: Disrupt the Future, where the panel consisted of blockchain expert Ben Siegel from Consensus, Chief of Humanitarian Unit at UN Women Caroline Rusten and Alex Gladstein from Human Rights foundation moderated by Vanessa Yurkevich. We dicussed why technology can be a key driver for female inclusion and empowerment, and how blockchain can be a game changer in this area. A great debate with a very special energy.

We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to Innovation Norway and UN Woman for the opportunity to be able to contribute to such an important event. We left with inspiration and gratitude, and hope to see this to be a new tradition ❤

From there we headed straight over to SXSW, check out our post!

Also, if you want to see the full event you can watch it beneath. Diwala comes on stage at 1 hour and 29 minutes.



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Diwala is building an ecosystem of trusted digital skill Identities in order to combat certification and identity fraud, creating global opportunities for youth