How to Create Authentic Content as a Podcaster

Let go of perfectionism

Kristi Jacobsen
DIY Podcasts


Gone are the days of airbrushed, photoshopped, and autotuned perfection. Audiences today crave authenticity.

Authentic brands, podcasts, and other media create a like-know-and-trust factor with audiences. People want to connect with and buy from brands they feel represent them, live up to their brand promise, show their true selves, and connect with their customers.

In fact, eighty-six percent say that authenticity matters when deciding what brands to like and support (Forbes).

So how can you create authentic content as a podcaster without divulging your deepest secrets?

Know Your Why

When planning your podcast, understand why you want to start one. If you’re going to host a podcast because you see other businesses or professionals in your industry with one, that’s not a strong enough reason. You likely won’t create content that speaks to your audience, and they’ll recognize it as an attempt to follow the crowd.

Start a podcast because you have a message to get across, knowledge to impart to your audience, and because you’re genuinely passionate about communicating to your audience by that medium. Take this step because you’re ready to uplevel your business, connect…



Kristi Jacobsen
DIY Podcasts

I write about podcasting, entrepreneurship, digital nomadism, and achieving long-term results.