How to Plan Your Podcast Episodes

Get organized with an episode planner

Kristi Jacobsen
DIY Podcasts


Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

I’ll admit, when I first started my podcast, I had no idea what I was doing. The first podcast was a fun test run to be ready for my serious podcast. I played around with recording, learned the ins and outs of publishing an episode, and understood where to find my audience.

Starting a podcast, especially one that will either help support your business or will be your business, is no easy feat. You need to map out your strategy, plan your content, find guests (if that’s your jam), and be super organized.

My start to organizing my podcast episodes

I started taking note of the different things I needed to take care of when each episode rolled around. Google Docs was my friend and I created a template that I duplicated for each episode. This allowed me to note the different pieces of content I needed for show notes and uploading to the hosting platform.

Still, I needed something more. I designed two Asana workflows — one for solo episodes and one for guest interview episodes. When I was ready to produce the next episode, I’d duplicate the workflow, assign dates, and have a checklist to work through to make sure I hit each task. It worked well and I never missed a piece (you can get my workflow…



Kristi Jacobsen
DIY Podcasts

I write about podcasting, entrepreneurship, digital nomadism, and achieving long-term results.