Why Choosing a Podcast Niche is Important

Earn your listeners’ trust and build an authentic audience

Kristi Jacobsen
DIY Podcasts


Deciding to launch a podcast is an exciting time. Ideas pour out of you, and you’re ready to record everything that comes to mind.

If you’re like other podcasters, you want to generate a ton of downloads, grow a raving fan base, and make a steady income. Most people think that they need to appeal to a large, diverse audience to do so. It kind of makes sense, doesn’t it? Talk a bit of everything, and you’ll have a big audience.

But what if I told you that being too broad trying to appeal to everyone could harm your podcast rather than help it?

Why it’s important:

Niche is one of those buzzy words that everyone in business talks about daily.

Want to start a blog? Choose your niche.

Want to grow your social media following? Choose a niche.

Some people are fed up with hearing (and fighting over the pronunciation of) the word, but no matter what way you say it or what industry you’re in, a niche is one of the most important things to consider in content marketing and creation.

Here’s why:

A Niched Podcast Earns Trust



Kristi Jacobsen
DIY Podcasts

I write about podcasting, entrepreneurship, digital nomadism, and achieving long-term results.