3 Social Media Branding Mistakes That Every Small Business Owner Should Avoid

Bryr de Gray
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2017

Social media branding mistakes are easy to make. In this article, we’ll go over 3 social media branding mistakes that every small business owner should avoid. We hope it will help you to avoid these pitfalls and make your social media more effective.

  1. You want to develop a presence on every social media platform. There are so many social media networks out there that it can seem daunting to decide which platforms to use. You may be tempted to get on as many social media sites as possible, thinking that this will improve your branding. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. There’s only so much time in a day your business can devote to effectively using social media. When starting out, choose one main social media platform to post on. Work on developing a presence on the site. We suggest Facebook for most businesses since it’s the most popular and most used social media platform. However, you need to decide which social media platform works best for you. Spend a few months growing a following and consistently posting to the platform you choose. Make sure the message is consistent with your brand and with the site’s specifications. For example, if you chose Twitter, don’t go over the 140 character limit.
  2. You set up your social media sites differently. One of the important hallmarks of branding is consistency. People should be able to look at your social media profiles and know they belong to you. Your business should have a common logo and color scheme that you will want to use in the customizable sections of the social media site. You want it to look and feel like you. Also, keep the information consistent in the business section fields. You want to have the same name, address and phone number (NAP). You also want to use the home page of your website so people know where else to find you on the web. The business descriptions should be similar. Everything should showcase your brand. If you set up your social media pages differently from each other, people can get confused about who you are and what your brand is. You don’t want that. Social media marketing is an extension of your brand so brand it well.
  3. You ignore social media comments. As a brand, you want to appear open and responsive to your current and potential customers. When people post on your social media accounts, you should respond within 24 hours or less. By interacting with your audience, you are showing them that they matter to you. This interaction will make your social media fans happy. This will make them more likely to do business with you. What happens if you ignore social media comments? Well, people feel ignored, cheated and disrespected. If you avoid or ignore social media comments, your brand is showing that you don’t really care about your customers. That’s the kiss of death on social media. They will then forget about you and your brand.If you can avoid these 3 social media branding mistakes, your business should do well on social media and that can make a big difference to your bottom line. Social media branding mistakes are easy to avoid. Remember your social media is an extension of your business and your customer service. Begin your social media strategy by focusing on two or three social media sites. Be consistent in the set up of your sites, and comment on customer interactions.

For more information on social media marketing, stay tuned to our blog. We often talk about social media and SEO for small businesses.

