Bryr de Gray
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2017


If you want to do any work on social media, you should have a Facebook business page. It’s one of the first things you should do to build a social media presence. The vast majority of social media users are on Facebook and are active on Facebook so it’s a medium you should employ in your social media strategy.

How can you optimize your Facebook page?

  1. Provide complete company information. You may think that no one pays attention to your Facebook page’s business description, but that’s not true. Providing pertinent information on your page helps show that you are a professional. You will also demonstrate authority and prove your trustworthiness. If you leave information out, people may wonder why or will have to call you for the information, that is if you include your phone number in the appropriate location. People like to have the basics spelled out for them. It doesn’t take a lot of time and you can also make sure they have all the information they need to get in touch with you should they decide to. Remember, that you can use your business description to optimize your Facebook page for keywords relevant to your business. This is important because your Facebook business page can show up in your search engine results. It’s another way of optimizing your SEO.
  2. Reinforce your branding with your cover and profile photos. Cover photos have a high level of visibility on Facebook business pages. You need to ensure that your cover photo is visually appealing and of a high resolution. It should also align with your brand’s style and have a clear intent. If you want to draw attention to a current campaign, event, or a specific piece of content, you can promote it with a cover photo. Yes, cover photos can be updated and changed as often as you want to. Cover photos should be changed at least seasonally to show that your company is giving users something new to look at. For your profile photo, you will want to choose something that makes your brand immediately recognizable. You should add a good caption and possibly a link. You want to make sure the photos look good on a desktop and on a mobile device.
  3. Pin important posts to the top of your page. Pinning a post to the top of your page lets you spotlight that post and boost its visibility. To pin a post, you simply click the arrow in the upper right corner of the post and select Pin to Top from the drop-down menu. Here are some types of posts you may want to pin to the top of your page. First, pin posts that are time sensitive such as posts that are promoting upcoming events or contests with deadlines. You may also want to pin your top content. For example, if you’ve put a lot of effort in creating one piece of really awesome content like a blog post or ebook, consider pinning the post. Finally, you can feature content you’ve produced in partnership. Pinned posts offer an opportunity to promote your partners and spotlight collaborative content. This can be especially useful if you’ve managed to get a high-profile guest to write on your blog or work together to create a longer piece of content.

Of course, there are many other Facebook page optimization methods you can use. We consider these three among the best. If you have another idea in mind, we’d love to hear about it.

