Diet and Dizziness: Foods to Eat and Avoid for Better Balance

Hint: Water is important, too!

Dizzy Discussions


Photo by Ivan Samkov on Pexels

I’m pretty mindful of my eating — I try to eat fruits and vegetables and limit salt and processed things. My weakness? Soda. I drink 6 to 7 cans per day and don’t have much water.
- Pam, 60 years old, on her nutrition & hydration habits

We reviewed Pam’s lifestyle habits because her dizziness would come and go. She had a combination of BPPV (the spinning dizziness with position changes), vestibular hypofunction (inner ear weakness), and oculomotor impairment (weakness of her left eye muscles). She showed great improvements then would regress.

Her nutrition habits were good, but hydration was an issue. Once we identified her overconsumption of soda and underconsumption of water and tied that to her dizziness, things started changing. She did an AMAZING job cutting back on her soda intake and within a few weeks, was down to 1 soda per week and drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

Guess what else? Her dizziness went away. She continued to work on her exercises as well, but noticed a significant improvement in the quality of her life.

Dizziness and vertigo can turn the world around you into a disorienting, challenging place. Whether you’re dealing with benign paroxysmal positional…



Dizzy Discussions

Vestibular Physical Therapist | Here to share knowledge, experience, and tips to help you understand dizziness and get your life back