Design Is […]

Identifying and indexing the principles of UX Design

Scott Christensen
2 min readMay 7, 2017


What is UX design? Like most designers, when beginning my career, I had limited understanding. As the years, projects, and clients have passed, my understanding of UX has grown tremendously. This article is an attempt to document my key learnings.

This is a living document, in which I make frequent updates to. If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments below.

Design is…

  • solving problems
  • working creatively within constraints
  • questioning assumptions
  • questioning commonalities
  • understanding heuristics
  • understanding bias
  • understanding human behavior
  • diving into the details
  • keeping the vision in mind
  • iterating on ideas quickly
  • converging on an option
  • allowing the best ideas to surface
  • being humble
  • proactively seeking user feedback
  • assembling a research plan
  • executing a research plan
  • finding inspiration from a wide variety of sources
  • simplifying
  • based on user data and metrics
  • thinking through all aspects of the problem
  • being patient
  • dependent on stakeholder’s seeing value
  • commonly misunderstood
  • esoteric to those unaware of its power
  • filled with surprises
  • based on the assumption that you might be wrong
  • inclusive
  • strategic
  • a competitive advantage in the business world
  • expected in our connected world
  • becoming expected by enterprise software users
  • best when it satisfies selfish and vain human needs
  • best when it delights users
  • a team sport

Design Isn’t […]

Conversely, let’s look at what is commonly misunderstood about UX design. This is a list of uninformed and erroneous ideas, expectations, cultural norms that are explicitly NOT user experience design.

Design is not…

  • making it “look pretty”
  • making it “pop”
  • pleasing stakeholders
  • making something “work”
  • based on opinions
  • getting attached to ideas
  • the quickest option
  • based on the loudest voice in the room
  • easily understood by business stakeholders
  • the easiest technical implementation
  • going with the first idea
  • a zero-sum game
  • only high-level involvement
  • a step to take after strategic decisions have been made
  • managed by ‘the creatives’


As you can see, UX goes far wider than simply pixels on a screen or the experience of opening an app on your phone. The intangibles (such as navigating politics and management) truly underpin the discipline of UX design.

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