What’s In A Name?

Etymology of dizzzzine…dizzign…Design

4 min readMay 8, 2017


Like many UX/UI designers, I’m completely self-taught. While educating myself, I’ve had to learn many things the hard/long/frustrating way. The intent of dizzzzine…dizzign…Design is to document these hard-earned lessons learned for the purpose of helping others along their design path.

Why name the name ‘dizzzzine…dizzign…Design’?

While the play on words, might seem playful and haphazard, in reality, each word was purposefully crafted. The name ‘dizzzzine…dizzign…Design’ (ddD or Triple D, as I fondly call it) derives from the iterative nature of design. Allow me to explain…


A design starts with words. Discussions, really. These conversations have a wide range — They can originate in a strategic product roadmap meeting with your team at work; or they can start in your head (some of my best ideas have sprung from my own mental dialogue).

During these discussions, designers can typically can get a glimpse of the grandiose vision pretty quickly. However, talking in the abstract is vague and fuzzy. There is nothing concrete.

That’s where ‘dizzzzine’ comes from. This term sounds right, but it’s spelled terribly wrong. Like many initial design conversations, we think we’ve found answers to the problem-to-be-solved, yet in reality, we’re lightyears away. Additionally, this word reminded me of dizzy, which is how a designer can feel after spinning and iterating on ideas without feedback.


Question: So, what’s the meaning of this second play on words? Answer: 2 things…time and feedback.

I’ll explain…

  • The word is shorter (less z’s)— With time and enough feedback, the iterative design process starts to tighten around a certain idea. It’s like water circling around a drain, spinning faster around the targeted path.
  • The color of the word is slightly darker — Design starts to formalize with time and feedback. On a literal UI note, over time, a style guide is used. This providing a tangible result to prototype.
  • We got a ‘g’ up in there! — Lastly, with time and feedback, designs start to work out some of the basic flaws. For instance, usability testing shines a light on many of our simple “spelling errors” with our designs.


Yep, you guessed it…just like Goldilocks, this rendition of the word design is ‘just right’. Not too hot, not too cold. It’s spelled (and designed) just right.

This final iteration regarding the play on words, represents all finalized designs. That’s why it has the capital D, to represent a polished and proper delivered design.

It’s the v8.2.11 that finally gets approval from stakeholders. It’s the design that is understood in usability testing. It’s the mockup that is sent to the front-end developer. It’s the UI that you see on your favorite smartphone app.

Of course, this ‘Design’ may not live forever, yet for the time being it solves the problem in a delightful and aesthetically-pleasing way.


As you can probably tell, I sweat the details. This publication will do the same. My hope is that my documented career learnings can be a source of inspiration and learning for those who stumble upon it.

PS — Still wondering about the writing hand pencil emoji? Well, I simply really like the emoji…no deep thinking there at all :)

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You can see more of my work at ScottChristensen.me.

