Links: Snapchat’s Stories web viewer, Cola’s messaging functions, messaging businesses, & online messaging assistants for research/tasks 3.10.2016 (#1)

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets links
2 min readMar 11, 2016

Snapchat creates web viewer of Stories:

I made an idea for Snapchat to let people view their friends’ Stories on the web on February 13 called “Idea: Mobile web Snapchat for viewing Stories only (#41)”: Starting with Event related Stories makes sense.

Cola provides interactions such as scheduling and polls in messaging:

Separately, an opportunity is for more messaging products to provide structured interactions as part of messaging. Part of the growth of messaging has been the simplicity of the text or photo/video input. Increasingly, there are tasks and interactions that can be done simpler using interactions. Additional examples could include purchasing / selecting products to interact with from a list / displaying updated information such as sports scores and weather and traffic / etc.

How messaging businesses may work in the future:

Post is a detailed description of how messaging is used today among people, and about how messaging businesses for assistance in learning about products/services that lead to commerce is clearly something that is starting to and later should be available for many businesses. While messaging usage continues to grow rapidly, the opportunities for people interacting with businesses is still developing and so it’s exciting to anticipate what may happen later.

Hunter Walk’s online messaging assistants for research & tasks:

Interesting to see various services that enable researching and doing tasks that can save time. Curious to see how there tasks done through different assistant tools could be automated over time and/or provide those answers as a resource for many people to view.

