Idea: Enable viewing only Photos or Videos in Stories with default showing Photos & Videos on Snapchat Stories (#38)

Purpose includes watching only photos for faster loading times, or watching only videos to enjoy motion without seeing only a static image.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readFeb 11, 2016


Start on Stories view, tap “Photos & Videos” to view “Photos Only,” then tap on Person 5 and Person 12 to load their photos Stories, then tap Person 5 to view their first photo Story, then swipe down to return to Stories view, then tap to “Videos only”, then tap Person 12 to load their videos Story, then tap Person 12 to view their first video Story, and then swipe down to return to Stories view. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Snapchat today:

  • Tapping to load a person’s Story loads both photos and videos. So you don’t know how much time may be required to download a particular Story.
  • Challenge may be that you only have a certain amount of time to view Stories.
  • You may prefer to view photos or videos.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on Stories view. Note that default is “Photos & Videos.” Tap “Photos & Videos” which changes then to “Photos Only,” meaning that only photos in the Stories will load. Note that some people do not appear in the list any more because those people only have videos in their Stories.
  2. Tap on Person 5 and Person 12 to load their Stories.
  3. Tap on Person 5 to view their first photo Story.
  4. Swipe down to return to Stories view.
  5. Tap on “Photos Only” which changes to “Video Only.” Note that people available to view changes.
  6. Tap on Person 12 again to load their video Stories. Note that the last time you tapped on Person 12 only loaded their photos.
  7. After done loading, tap on Person 12 to view their first video Story.
  8. Swipe down to return to Stories view.


  • Opportunity is to help users when mobile bandwidth is limited or looking to reduce mobile bandwidth usage.
  • Opportunity is also to help people decide what kinds of content they want to view at that time. Watching video may make more sense if the user has more time to view, whereas photos may be quick to tap through to view.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

