Idea: Enhanced visited search results pages that show a modified version of partner website results to focus on the relevant content with tap to “Expand” to see more info & providing continuous scroll to see multiple pages from that website that are relevant to what the person is searching for & the task including more “Expand” links to see more 5.5.2016 (#141)

Purpose is to enable people to get to the content they are looking for faster, and to enable the website to provide access to their website’s content more quickly and easily, including such that people may want to use that website more as a result. In concept, there are opportunities to get people to more information on a given website that is relevant given the context of each particular visitor, and so there’s an opportunity for Google over time to help provide a result that suits what someone wants.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
4 min readMay 7, 2016


Start on the search page, search for something, tap on a result that has “Search custom pages” then note there is an ability to “Expand” to see more info because the customized page has shown only info believed to be relevant to you and actually combined more relevant information across multiple pages on that website. Tap “Expand” to see more info. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Press release:

  • Title: Get what you’re looking for, faster
  • Introduction: Introducing hosted pages powered by Google. Partner websites have either hosted with Google or provided the ability to modify the display of webpages to focus on the content of the page that you especially want to see based on what you searched for and are trying to do. When relevant, the page opens the search result page and provides continuous scroll to see more pages on that website that are relevant to you. Simply tap to “Expand” to see additional content on those pages that was considered to be not relevant. A special section at the bottom, top or inside the page suggests additional pages inside that website that might be relevant to you. Simply tap to “Expand” content on the page that you want to view more of.

Google search today:

  • Search results are customized including ranked generally and ranked specifically for you.
  • The AMP program provides the ability to load mobile enhanced pages more quickly from Google search results.
  • The Safari browser provides the ability to tap to see an easier to read version that focused on primarily the text content and some media content.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on the search box. Tap to search for “how to make food” and see search results included an annotation “Search custom pages” that provides the ability to see information that is custom to help the person get to the information desired.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and note that there are options to “Expand” to see more info. There have been multiple webpages from this website appended, but also “Expand” is used to separate content that was part of a single webpage to try to more quickly focus on what content is thought to be most relevant to you.
  3. Tap “Expand” on a couple and see that more information loads on the screen then keep scrolling down the page.


  • Opportunity is to help people get to the content that they may find most useful and relevant.
  • Opportunity is to expand beyond a single web page as a search result to consider an entire website.
  • Opportunity is for the website to benefit from Google’s developing understanding of what someone wants to do to help get people to the part of your website content that is most relevant and useful.
  • Important to provide the customization in a way that preserves the person’s privacy, so a need to figure whether that means that content should be hosted by Google or what approaches can be done to provide the improved experience.
  • The user decides about whether they want this custom experience or not.
  • A reason to do this is that increasingly people expect direct answers to questions, and lacking a direct answer then at least getting people to the specific set of information desired is important.
  • A reason to not do this is that organizing information that people may want is hard and there may not be enough technological advance/understanding of text as of today to provide this service in a way that would be meaningfully improving the user experience. But this could change over time.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

