Idea: Facebook Camera app that opens to camera with left for Messenger and right for Friends who have posted updates 5.2.2016 (#138)

Purpose is to provide a camera for people who want to quickly post to share in Facebook whether using Messenger or sharing to friends on Facebook. Opportunity is to provide ability for people to focus on sharing directly from the camera which has been important for people using Snapchat.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
4 min readMay 3, 2016


Tap Camera app to open to camera, swipe to left for Messenger, then swipe to right for News Feed. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Press release:

  • Title: Facebook Camera for sharing your day
  • Introduction: App opens to the camera, with ease to share to friends on Messenger to the left of the camera and to your friends on Facebook to the right of the camera.

Facebook & Snapchat today:

  • Snapchat opens to the camera and then has Chat to left and Stories to right.
  • Facebook Messenger opens to the messages list and Facebook opens to the News Feed of posts.
  • Facebook had made Poke which may have opened to the camera.
  • Facebook had made Slingshot and Slingshot 2.0 which both opened to the camera.

Proposed idea:

  1. Tap to open Facebook Camera app which opens to the Camera.
  2. Swipe to left for Messenger. Note creating new messages is button in upper left for “New.”
  3. Swipe to right for News Feed. Note links at the top for adding text status message, checking in, and uploading photos/videos from camera roll.


  • Opportunity is to start on camera to enable quick creating content to share to Facebook Messenger and/or to Facebook News Feed.
  • A reason to do this is to possibly increase sharing of photos/videos.
  • A reason to not do this is perhaps Facebook may not have a clear reason to go to this design for either of Messenger or Facebook News Feed, and so question is about whether a standalone app would make sense. And so with that there’s a question about who would choose to use this standalone Camera app and whether there would be a significant number of people using this.
  • The button on the Camera on the lower left could instead be an outline of the Messenger icon with the number of unread messages inside that.
  • The button on the Camera on the lower right could instead be an outline of the News Feed icon with the number inside showing the number of friends who have posted updates since you last visited.
  • Tapping “New” enables to make a new message. Selector could be the same as today in Messenger.
  • On News Feed, the left side shows the thumbnail of the photo/video.
  • If no photo/video, then thumbnail uses the favicon of the website link.
  • Or if just text, then thumbnail uses an icon to indicate text post, or not thumbnail.
  • If there is a reshare of text, then the thumbnail shows the profile photo/icon of the page/person who shared the original post.
  • The right side of each row on News Feed shows the profile photo of the person.
  • Further details would explore how viewing of posts in News Feed, advancing to next post, etc.
  • Another area to explore is what happens after making a photo/video for selecting who to receive including deciding to post to News Feed.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

