Idea: Facebook Live video playback showing where reactions/likes/hearts and comments were posted & tap on to jump to 10 seconds before that part of video (#106)

Purpose is to help identify what part of a live video recording is especially interesting to check out, particularly because the videos can be quite long and so there’s an opportunity to see what happened exactly. Drag to a part of the video or tap on cluster of reactions/likes/hearts or comments were made to jump to that part of the video. Note that the purple circles represent reactions which could be shown instead as likes/hearts/etc.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
4 min readApr 8, 2016


Start in the feed, tap on the recorded live video, tap on the video to see the reactions/likes/hearts overlayed on the timeline and video, then tap on the clusters of reactions/likes/hearts to jump to particular parts of the video. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Facebook & YouTube today:

  • Facebook Live enables people to share a live video of what they are doing and that may send notifications to friends about the live video to possibly join. People who select to subscribe to live notifications get notified whenever the person goes live.
  • YouTube shows videos with an overlay that shows the time watched which may indicate where a video becomes less interesting.
  • Facebook Live and Periscope video playback shows reactions and comments that appear at the exact time that they appeared in the original playback.
  • Periscope also provides a product for sharing video of wherever you are.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on the feed and tap on the Live video that ended and has been posted in full. This opens the video starting at the beginning including showing comments.
  2. Tap on the video to show the timeline selector to see where you are in the playback of the video. Also note this shows an overlay of the reactions/likes/hearts and comments that have been posted depending on the part of the video.
  3. Tap on the first group of reactions and the video jumps to that part, then tap on some more of the groups of reactions to jump to those.
  4. Then tap on the video to leave the bar part and continue playing the video without showing the overlay of reactions.


  • Opportunity is to help people figure what part of the live video was considered especially interesting or caused reactions and comments.
  • On the overlay, multiple reactions are on an overlay together if within a certain range of time. This partly depends on how long the video is to decide how closely to group the reactions on the timeline selector.
  • Reason to bring the person to 10 seconds before where the the reactions/comments were is so there may be some time to see what the context was for that reaction. For example, maybe there was a comment before that leading up to the reaction.
  • Alternatively, there could be more ways to determine how to decide where to jump for someone in the video to find the content that may be especially interesting.
  • If too many reactions, then a number can be shown as an overlay on the reactions such as “104” or however many there were.
  • Or instead of showing a number on the overlay, instead some representation of the relative number of reactions could be shown.
  • A reason to not do this is that there may be too many things appearing on the overlay such that the video is obscured. A counterpoint is that the overlay only appears when tapping on the video and can go away by tapping on the video.
  • Alternatively, the reactions could be shown under the video rather than over the video for ease of tapping on the reactions without changing what shows on the video.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

