Idea: Facebook News Feed in “Full” and “List” tabs for ease of viewing full Stories as happens today with ability to quickly view the List to see which people you may want to view then tap on a person to view the Full version from that point 5.9.2016 (#145)

Purpose is to make easy for people to view posts as done today while also being able to quickly find the people they want to check out their posts. “Full” and “List” views both indicate how many unread posts by each person you haven’t viewed yet and enable you to tap to view the next post.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
5 min readMay 10, 2016


Please follow this Facebook Page for more idea updates:

Video is here:

Start on the News Feed in the tab “Full” and tap on the right side of the post by Friend 1 to advance to the next post by Friend 1 that you haven’t seen yet. Scroll down and tap on the right side of the post by Friend 2 to advance to the next post by Friend 2 that you haven’t seen yet. Then scroll down to Friend 4, then tap “List” which opens the List view starting with Friend 4 at the top because that was the last person’s post in focus before switching to List view. Then scroll around to see the list, then tap on Friend 6 which opens back to Full view with Friend 6’s post. Then scroll up to Friend 5 then tap List again and note that Friend 5 appears at the top because Friend 5’s post was in focus last in Full view. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Press release:

  • Title: Introducing News Feed “List” view
  • Introduction: The Facebook News Feed works as before labeled “Full” and tap “List” at any time to see the list of people who have posted so you can easily tap on someone to visit directly. Note that the person you were last viewing when going to “List” shows that person at the top of the list, and then tapping someone in the List view opens into the full view. At any time, tap or swipe in the right side of a post to see more unread posts from that person.

Facebook & Snapchat today:

  • Snapchat has a list view in Stories. You could say the “Full” view is autoplay mode when you can tap to advance that autoplays when have viewed all unread to the next Person or swipe to the next Person.
  • Facebook has the News Feed.
  • Going to the Facebook Profile then tapping “Friends” shows a list of friends who have updated posts recently including showing the number of unread posts. This is a few taps away.
  • TheFacebook in 2005 was one tap away from a “Friends” tab to see mostly recently updated posts by friends.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start in the News Feed. Note that each post says the time ago posted and how many “# unread” posts there are by that person. Tap in the right edge to cause the next unread post by that person to open, or you could swipe.
  2. Scroll down to Friend 4 and tap on “List” and note that List view starts with Friend 4 at the top of the viewable screen. Then scroll around to see more parts of the List view. Note that the List view shows thumbnails of all posts for ease of viewing as a preview and help decide which to tap to view.
  3. Then tap on Friend 6 which opens back to the Full view. Then scroll back up to Friend 5 and tap on List to again see that this means that Friend 5 will appear at the top of the viewable screen.


  • Opportunity is to make viewing posts easy to do and providing a feeling of ability to navigate around posts in a List view as needed.
  • Tap on the right side bar of a given post to advance to the next post. Tapping on the left side goes back. Or you can swipe.
  • Opportunity for tap to advance is to make easy to advance to the next post easily.
  • This also applies to Instagram, and may uniquely make sense for Instagram because of photo/video sizing perhaps fitting a bit easier.
  • Note that in case of tapping for the next post when the ranked News Feed post is much less vertical space then tapping to next post can cause each post above and below to move out of the way.
  • Each time viewing an unread post by tapping, then the counter of # unread goes down.
  • I made an idea that is related that shows collapsing a feed to smaller version that I had posted previously, including enabling to see the profile photos of people who are coming up as you are scrolling down that you can tap to jump ahead.
  • A reason to do this is to enable people to quickly get to go check out what they want to check out while also easily being able to get back into the News Feed view.
  • A reason to not do this is that there may be confusion about moving between List and Full views of the News Feed.
  • Screenshots:
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

