Idea: “Full view” on Messenger that allows to see expanded text/photos/more in messages that are unread (#59)

Purpose is to allow people to view unread information without necessarily having to tap to view the information. Default remains “Concise” but “Full” option is available.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readFeb 29, 2016


Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Messenger today:

  • There is one view for looking at messages which has room for one or two lines of text.
  • Multiple sent messages allows for seeing more of what was sent without going to a message thread.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on the main view for Messenger. Note that a number appears on the profile of Person 1 of “3” that indicates that there are 3 messages received from Person 1, and “5” appears on Person 2, and “2” appears on Person 7. Tap on Expand on the bottom bar.
  2. Tap on Concise to return to main view.
  3. Tap on Expand to go to Expand view again. Note that there is room for Person 1’s message and part of Person 2’s message. Note that on Expand the most recent message appears on bottom, whereas on Concise the most recent message appears on top. Reason for this is to use the same order as in the conversation thread view.
  4. Tap on “Open” for Person 1 and note that the multiple sent messages appear in the message thread with Person 1. This is a typical conversation thread that includes the history of the conversation.
  5. Tap on “Close” to return to Expand view.
  6. Tap on “Open” to return to the message thread with Person 1.


  • “Expand” viewing shows up to 100% of the vertical space for showing unread messages. How much space is used depends on how many unread messages there are.
  • Alternatively, expand view could use some less amount of space such as 50% of the space.
  • A number appears on the profile photo of the person in Messenger to indicate how many separate messages were sent. One message sent with 2 photos attached counts as one message. Alternatively, the counter could count each photo as 1 and each time text is sent as 1, with the example of one message with 10 photos would actually show a count of 10 and if text is included then a count of 11.
  • If a message from someone has already been viewed, then the Expand view only shows the same amount of content as shown in the Concise view.
  • If a user selects the Expand view, then consider defaulting to the Expand view instead.
  • Alternatively, Full could be a Setting to select rather than a button on the bottom bar.
  • The Expand view with one swipe puts the next person’s unread messages to the top no matter no big the section is for the person. Reason is to try to reduce the need to swipe much.
  • Visiting the Expand view can cause a read receipt to appear if all of the content is viewable in that area.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

