Idea: Live broadcast on Snapchat by swiping up on Camera view & extend maximum record in Camera view to 15 seconds (#20)

Purpose is to enable people to record live and enable live broadcasting without having to press and maybe up to 5 minutes per broadcast. Also, extending maximum recording time on main Camera view from 10 seconds to 15 seconds so people can share more.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
4 min readJan 25, 2016


Start on Camera, swipe up to go to Broadcast Live, tap button to record which sends notifications to friends, see total viewers at top, tap button to end recording which posts to Story, swipe down to return to Camera, then swipe right to left to Stories view to see your Story posting and available live broadcasts. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Snapchat today:

  • Snapchat lets you share up to 10 seconds of video by pressing and holding on the circle button on the Camera view.
  • Sometimes Stories are posted where people are in the middle of a sentence, and so 10 seconds does not seem to always be enough time to record.
  • Snapchat has Live Events which shows posts by many different people to share the experience of being there, such as in the crowd at a concert.
  • Some people posting to Snapchat Stories have experiences that go on for multiple minutes and so would benefit from having longer times to share the video.

Proposed idea:

  1. Open app to Camera view.
  2. Swipe up to view the “Broadcast Live” camera.
  3. Tap on the recording button once. See the broadcasting starts and not the number of viewers. Number of viewers may go up over time.
  4. Tap on the button again to stop recording.
  5. Swipe down to return to the Camera view.
  6. Swipe right to left to go to the Stories view. Note that the Broadcast Live video is posting to the user’s Story, and there’s a note of the total number of viewers of the broadcast and how long the broadcast was.


  • Broadcast Live is a separate camera so that the use case of broadcasting can be very separate.
  • Alternatively, Broadcast Live could be accessed by tapping a button on the Camera view.
  • Benefit of putting Broadcast Live by swiping up is to clearly separate the current version of sharing that requires pressing and holding to record a video from the Broadcast Live version that requires only tapping once to record.
  • Alternatively, after Live Broadcast completes, then automatically go to Stories to view the posting of the Live Broadcast.
  • Alternative is to provide a setting to decide whether notifications are sent when broadcasting. Reason to not send notifications include that you may just want to share a longer video and only for people who happen to see the Live Broadcast in the Stories view to tap to visit.
  • Consider having a maximum of 5 minutes for a Live Broadcast. Reasoning is so that way the person can still make multiple Live Broadcasts. There is still an opportunity to have a significant number of people join the live stream. And hopefully the video file will be accessible to be downloaded by many viewers.
  • Include the Live Broadcast video in the person’s Story automatically.
  • When someone views a Live Broadcast video in a Story, consider allowing to skip ahead by 10 seconds on each tap, or have a long press and hold to skip through the end of the Live Broadcast. Reason for a tap to advance 10 seconds is that the Live Broadcast may be long, and reason for press and hold to skip is to be able to move on to see the shorter posts in the Story.
  • Important to test what makes sense to use for how to enable people to view a Live Broadcast, including if just one tap skips the entire Live Broadcast.
  • See how engaging the Live Broadcast content is, and use that user feedback to inform how long the maximum Live Broadcast should be, such as if 2 minutes may make more sense. Or consider if there should be no limit for the Live Broadcast.
  • Alternatively, put Live Broadcasts in a separate section from Stories to be viewed separately, and allow someone doing a Live Broadcast to press and hold on the screen to record for up to 15 seconds of video that would then be posted automatically or with some editing after to the Story. That way the broadcaster can be more selective about what video that is being broadcasted will appear on the Story.
Start on Camera, swipe up to Broadcast Live, tap to record…
…note number of viewers going up, tap to finish broadcast…
…swipe down to return to Camera, then swipe right to left to see Stories view. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

