Idea: Press-and-hold to record audio or video notes on Snapchat from Chat view to make faster to send 4.4.2016 (#100)

Purpose is to make the ease of sending audio/video messages by pressing-and-holding that was released as part of Chat 2.0 but to reduce the steps needed to get to that interaction.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readApr 5, 2016


Start on Chat view and note “Audio” and “Video” options. Press and hold on Audio to record audio and send it by releasing finger, and press and hold on Video to record a video of yourself then release finger to send. Also note that there is an indicator of a blue dot when someone is currently viewing something you sent to that person. Alternatively, tap Audio to try to call the person or tap Video to try to video call the person. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Snapchat today:

  • Snapchat Chat 2.0 enables people to press and hold on the video icon to send a video message when releasing finger, or press and hold on the phone icon to send an audio message.
  • Challenge is Chat 2.0 today is that you have to swipe to enter the chat section with someone before you can press and hold to send audio or video.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on the chat view. Note that there are icons for phone icon and video icon that enable you to send messages or interact by tapping there. Press and hold on the “Audio” next to Person 1 and see that audio recording starts which you can cancel by dragging to the “Cancel record” circle.
  2. Let go of finger to complete audio recording and note text shows that audio is being sent, and then “Sent!” appears when audio has been sent.
  3. Press and hold on “Video” next to Person 2 which opens a front facing camera and indicates recording with a red outline on the circle, then let go of press to cause video to send.


  • Opportunity is to make sending audio and video as easy as press and hold when on the Chat view.
  • The audio and video icons are light gray in order to try for the options to send audio or video to be subtle but available.
  • Note that typically this area is used to show emoticons indicating how active you have been with a given person or if that person is a new user on Snapchat or more. Perhaps these emoticons can be put inside of the chat view, or put only one emoticon to the left of the audio icon/button.
  • As in Snapchat Chat 2.0 today, one tap on audio would cause a phone call to be started and one tap on video would cause a video call to be started.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

