Idea: Scrolling back up the screen removes the loading bar playlist for simplicity of accessing only ready to view Stories that were earlier in the scroll & focusing on the Stories list rather than the Playlist (#130)

Purpose is to make easy to access Stories that you tapped to load while still letting you scroll to find more Stories you want to watch, and otherwise that if scrolling back up then understanding is that you know where you can access those Stories so no need to continue to use the top bar space for that.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
4 min readApr 26, 2016


Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Press release:

  • Title: Introducing Snapchat Playlist
  • Introduction: Tap to all the friends you want to view, then tap the playlist bar to play in order. Or scroll up to the top to automatically remove the playlist to make space for more Stories you tap to load.

Snapchat today:

  • Tap on gray text Stories to cause to load Stories. Then loading indicator goes away and text goes to black to indicate Story is ready to view.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on Stories. Tap to load Friend 4’s Story.
  2. Swipe up twice until Friend 4 is above the visible area and so scrolls into a top bar area which stays there for all of the Stories you have tapped to load but are not available yet to view. Note that the name of Friend 4 appears there in the row.
  3. Tap to load Friend 6, Friend 10, and Friend 12.
  4. Then swipe up and note that the thumbnail for Friend 4’s Story moves to the right and the thumbnail for Friend 6’s Story goes into the top bar. Note that no names are shown.
  5. Note that the Stories complete loading. Tap on the gray bar which defaults to opening the first tapped Story which is Friend 4’s Story. Then swipe to go to the next person tapped which is Friend 6’s Story.
  6. Swipe down to close, then tap on the thumbnail for Friend 12’s Story to open. Swipe down then swipe down multiple times to get to the top of the Stories view to see that the playlist goes away as each friend passes.


  • Opportunity is to make a playlist available in particular for cases of making a list of people as scrolling down only, and removing playlist as scroll up because perhaps not needed since there is already one list of friends.
  • Alternative is idea 129 that keeps the playlist bar available in place.
  • Note that regular scrolling is used in this idea. For the design, scrolling is done to specific points only for showing possible places where scrolling could go, including the scrolling back up the Stories view with the exact same gesture distances for scrolling as when scrolling down the Stories view.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

