Idea: Settings in Facebook Messenger about notifications for showing or not showing name/message text/message image or video preview/etc, turning on/off particular sounds/vibrate per person, notify about when your message is read by the recipient, or upload a different profile photo 5.7.2016 (#143)

Purpose is to provide control for the person about ways to be notified.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readMay 7, 2016


Start on the lock screen, swipe on the notification from the bot “Topic Alerts” to open to the message, then tap the anew “Topic Alerts” to enter Settings, then note the different settings including for what appears in notifications from Topic Alerts. Turn off “Vibrate or sound” and “Show name” and “Show message text” and “Show message image/video preview.” Note there are also options for picking a sound or vibration for when getting messages from Topic Alerts. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Press release:

  • Title: New Messenger notifications settings
  • Introduction: Getting a lot of notifications from bots you want to hear from but want more control? Try turning off vibrate/sound so you only see the alert when you look at your phone. Want to see a preview or not of the photo/video sent? Simply turn off.

Facebook Messenger & messaging apps today:

  • Facebook Messenger has a default for notifications that are the same for each person.
  • Bots on Messenger also have notifications that by default vibrate or make a sound. But this means that there may be confusion about which notifications require acting upon.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on the lock screen and note there is a notification from a bot called “Topic Alerts” and there’s another notification from “Friend 1.” Swipe on Topic Alerts to open to that Messenger conversation.
  2. Then tap on “Topic Alerts” to open the settings that include for notifications. Tap to turn off vibrate or sound, showing name, showing message text, and showing message image/video preview.
  3. Then note that the end is you locked your phone and got a new notification from the same bot but this time no preview is shown.


  • Opportunity is to enable more notifications to be delivered including from bots without causing so many vibrating/sounds that people may turn off notifications on the app entirely.
  • Opportunity is to provide more control for people to decide about what conversations to choose to show message contents in lockscreen notifications or not, such as doing work or depending on the topic such as if the expectation is for privacy.
  • Opportunity is to provide a notification about when a message you send is read.
  • A reason to do this is that there are many different contexts that people want to communicate and so these settings provide an ability to control for that.
  • A reason to not do this is that perhaps these features would not be used very often and so may simply provide more settings to pick from.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

