Idea: Show “Multiple post expiring” under “Recently updated” on Snapchat Stories so you know which Story that has multiple posts has a post that is about to expire so you can view before expiring 5.4.2016 (#140)

Purpose is to enable watching posts before expiring because currently someone’s Story may show as updated in the last few minutes or few hours but there may be some part of that Story that is about to expire and you may want to be sure to watch all of the posts before expiring. In some cases, people tend to look at Stories about to expire anyway, but currently it’s only clear which single post Stories are about to expire.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readMay 5, 2016


Start on Stories view with “Recently updated” at the top as usual, then scroll down and see “Multiple posts expiring” to see in order of soonest to expire when there are multiple posts that have a post that is soonest to expire. Purpose is to be able to watch before expiring. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Press release:

  • Title: Watch Stories before expiring
  • Introduction: Enjoy watching Stories just before expiring? That’s clear with any Story that has only one photo/video because Stories are listed starting with most recently updated through about to be deleted. But what about multiple posts where the first post might be expiring in 30 minutes but the Story was just updated a few minutes ago with a new photo/video? Starting today, see a list of “Multiple post expiring” under “Recently updated” to see which posts are about to expire.

Snapchat today:

  • Stories are viewable starting with most recently updated. For example, if the most recently updated Story was just updating 5 seconds ago, then that appears at the top. At the bottom of the list are Stories that are about to expire, such as a story with only 1 hour left of the 24 hours total that are provided for showing Stories.
  • A problem with this is that in a way only posting once is encouraged because that appears at the end of the list. A reason that this is encouraged for only one post is that in some cases people prefer to look at a Story when it is later from recently being posted. A counter point is that of course there is an encouragement to post multiple times because each post puts the Story at the top of the list.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on the Stories view. Note that “Recently updated” is the start as usual, and note that the amount of time left for each story and the time ago the Story was posted is shown. “# left” is shown but in implementation would be the clock icon showing how much of 24 hours is left.
  2. Scroll down to see “Multiple post expiring” which shows time left and when recently updated. Note that the time left is for the post that is closest to expiring. Note that this shows posts that were already listed above.


  • Opportunity is to help people see which posts are about to expire to make sure to watch because not currently clear.
  • If someone is watching the last Story in “Recently updated” then autoplay goes to “Multiple post expiring” as next, instead of starting at the top of “Recently updated.” Then after the last Story in “Multiple post expiring” then autoplay starts at the top of “Recently updated.”
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

