Idea: Convert multiple links to expanded previews in Facebook Messenger including for videos/photos to be viewed full screen while still using Messenger 5.8.2016 (#144)

Purpose is to expand beyond showing for one link so people can easily view/watch photos/videos without necessarily needing to tap links.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readMay 9, 2016


Start in Messenger, tap to type a message with 3 links, then tap to send which includes the text along with 3 expanded previews: for a news link, for a video, and for a photo. Scroll to see the expanded previews, then tap to watch the video in full screen, then close to return to Messenger. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Press release:

  • Title: Introducing multiple attachment links in Messenger
  • Introduction: Ever sent multiple links to a friend, but only one link got an expanded preview? And wanted one of the other links used instead of the link automatically selected? Starting today, we are starting to provide the ability to include up to 20 expanded previews, including for photos/videos. So watching a video is as easy as tapping to watch the video inside of Messenger.

Facebook Messenger today:

  • When including multiple links, only the first link shows an expanded preview.
  • When sending a video that is on Facebook, sometimes the preview only shows the video without the ability to tap to visit Facebook. A benefit of this is to focus on the video. However, there may be some desire to tap to view and like/react/comment on the post.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start in Messenger. Tap to make a message that includes three links, then tap to send. Note that the 3 links expand to include a link expanded preview similar to what exists today in Messenger, and there are also two more expanded previews shown for photo and video.
  2. Scroll down to see the expanded previews. Tap on the video to open to view full screen. Then pull down when done or if video finishes then you’ll return to Messenger.


  • Opportunity is to include more expanded preview so people can access the information more easily, particularly videos and photos.
  • Saves time of needing to tap on links then tap back to return to Messenger.
  • Provides context of title, description and link information under each expanded preview, and tapping on that would open the actual webpage, whereas tapping on the thumbnail of the photo/video opens the full screen view inside of Messenger.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

