Idea: Suggested recipients by Active / Viewed Your Story / You Viewed Their Story etc on Snapchat (#16)

Purpose is to encourage interaction with friends who are recently using Snapchat that you may not have realized use Snapchat or may be likely to respond quickly, and suggestions to encourage one-to-one interaction for people who you are mainly watching their Stories or they are mainly watching your Stories.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readJan 21, 2016


Tap to make a photo, tap next, then see suggestions based on friends who are active with how many seconds / minutes ago they were active, and see suggestions based on friends who have viewed your Story or you viewed their Story, and tap on the header such as “Active Friends” to expand the list to see more. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Snapchat today:

  • When selecting recipients, you typically see Recent, Best Friends, people who haven’t been active to suggest re-engaging those friends, and an alphabetical list.
  • Makes sense to focus on Recent and close friends to encourage close ties sharing since that’s probably a significant percentage of sharing.

Proposed idea:

  1. Tap to make a photo.
  2. Tap next.
  3. View the recipients list that includes showing people who you view their Stories and people who view your Stories.
  4. Tap on “Active Friends” to load more people who are recently active.


  • Opportunity is to encourage one to one sharing with people who tend to be viewers of your Story or who you tend to view their Story.
  • Test is to see if this encourages interaction among people who view Stories. Possibility is that this may not be necessary because people may simply decide to comment on Stories when they feel they want to do that.
  • This test could be done from time-to-time and would not be a permanent feature, in part because this is partly about a reminder to try to re-engage with people.
  • Provide a suggestion to you based on people who you view their Stories. Reasoning is that you may be used to consuming Stories, but this may inspire to share with those people to connect with directly more.
  • Alternatively, rather than labeling as “Friends Viewed Your Story” or “You Viewed Their Story,” instead include these people in the current Snapchat “Recents” section. At the least include people who you tend to view. Also, consider algorithmically ranking these people so that still prioritizing based on who you may want to send to, with priority for people who you have actually sent one-to-one Snapchats to.
  • Important to consider privacy of people by showing number of minutes ago that a friend is active. An alternative is to only indicate that friends are recently “active” and to not include showing how much time ago.
  • Provide a suggestion based on people who view your Stories. Reasoning is that you may have not interacted with these people, but you could ask them about their thoughts on your Stories.
  • Both lists would not include people who already are listed elsewhere in the top lists, so people you tend to message with frequently may not appear. Prioritize people who are close ties.
Tap to make a photo, tap next…
…see suggested people to send to including “Active Friends,” “Friends Viewed Your Story,” and “You Viewed Their Story,” and tap the header “Active Friedns to see more suggested people. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

