Idea: Tag posts/comments with topics/questions to help discover & create a resource for people to view later on Chitter & Yik Yak 4.3.2016 (#99)

Purpose is to encourage creating content that is organized in a way for people to check out over time, and importantly helps provide some vision/purpose for people to contribute to the community for a reason that may last for perhaps some number of years rather than for viewing by people for only a given day of being posted.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readApr 4, 2016


Note the three examples shown: a comment that is tagged to a topic, tagging a post with a question, and adding a comment and the comment is tagged to a topic. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Chitter & Yik Yak today:

  • Chitter and Yik Yak main feed content is organized by geography such as a mile or few miles away, even though much of the content can have relevance outside of that geography.
  • Chitter has feeds for specific topics that can be explored. Problem is that requires tapping to open a separate area to see content there. Perhaps some of that content may not be surfaced for people to view.
  • provides a useful resource for information that is available over time organized by questions and answers. There are a number of programs and features to encourage people to create quality content.
  • Challenge is to figure what Chitter and Yik Yak may be used for where there is some benefit. For example, is this because people are talking about things at that time and so there is an opportunity to discuss? Or for people who rarely discuss, then is the content interesting because there’s a chance to engage now if they happen to decide to?
  • And so may Chitter and Yik Yak content be relevant for people to check out over time or not?

Proposed idea:

  1. Show the profile page of someone. Note that there is a comment on an anonymous post in the topic “Math”, then a post that has been tagged with a question for purpose of organizing posts, and added a comment that itself was tagged to topic “Campus Places.”


  • Opportunity for Chitter is to help organize information in a way that can be accessed over time as a resource.
  • Opportunity is to help people navigate comments and anonymous posts and even tagged questions as a way to see what information is available.
  • Opportunity with tagging is to help encourage people to create content that is not just entertaining but organized such that there is some vision/purpose for why people are contributing content.
  • Enable people to follow topics to view in the main feed.
  • Hashtags could be used in posts to add to topics, or topics can be made as a separate link to create.
  • Question is about how location based is most relevant for what kinds of questions/interactions, such as perhaps at the least for people who have an opportunity to meet other people in their university community.
Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

