Idea: Tap to load Stories showing progress bar with one partition marker per post in the Story & option to pause loading (#40)

Purpose is to make clear when each post in a Story has loaded to give an indication when the loading may be completed.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readFeb 13, 2016


Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Snapchat today:

  • Tapping to load a Story can take a range of time from very quick to a while because sometimes there may be only one photo to load and sometimes there may be a Story with perhaps 10 videos posted to a Story.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on the Stories view. Tap on Person 1’s Story to start loading and note that there are markers below the Story indicating that there are 5 posts to be loaded in the Story. And the first post in the Story loads showing the progress bar moving across.
  2. Then the next 4 progress bars move across, followed by loading completing indicated by showing the ‘Loading” disappear and the Story is ready to be viewed.
  3. Then tap Person 2 and the 2 posts in the Story load.
  4. Then tap Person 3 and the 1 post in the Story loads.
  5. Tap Person 1 to load the first of five Stories.


  • Opportunity is to increase viewing of Stories by making clear when Stories have loaded.
  • Alternative is to allow users to tap a loading bar again to pause loading such as in the case of a video taking a long time to load.
Start on Stories, tap to load Person 1, then each post in the Story that loads shows the loading bar…
…each post in the Story loads…
…then tap Person 2 for loading each of the 2 posts in the Story…
…then tap Person 3 for the one post in the Story to load. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

