Idea: Two-finger swipe gesture to play video on Snapchat at 2x or 1/2x speed (#36)

Purpose is to enable people to watch more by watching in 2x speed or see a video from another perspective with slow motion to see the details such as motion.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readFeb 8, 2016


Start on the Stories view, tap to view Person 1’s Story, note that normal speed of the video plays, then use a two finger swipe to go to 1/2x speed, then 2 finger swipe back to normal then to 2x speed viewing, Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Snapchat today:

  • Watching a video in a Story is done at only the speed that the video was submitted.
  • Some filters can be added by users when posting videos to play in slow motion, reverse direction, or super fast.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on Stories view. Tap to view Person 1’s Story #1 video.
  2. Opens to 1x speed view. Swipe to 1/2x speed view.
  3. Swipe to 1x speed view then swipe to 2x speed view.
  4. Tap to advance to Person 1’s Story #2 video.
  5. Swipe down to return to Stories view.


  • Opportunity is to enable people to consume more media by watching quickly, or to better appreciate video by seeing the video at a slower pace to be able to notice what happened in the case of the camera moving quickly.
  • Alternatively, if a filter related to speed of the original video was already added, then the two finger swipe options are different. For example, a slow motion video may not have an option to make even slower, so the left option is to see the video as originally recorded, and the right side allows to see the video as faster than originally recorded.
  • In the case of a video that is already fast, then the right side shows the original recording, and the other side shows slow motion. Reasoning is that preserves the structure of left side starts from slow motion then normal speed then faster speed.
Start on Stories view, tap to view Person 1’s video story #1, swipe to 1/2x speed…
…then swipe to 2x speed, then tap to advance to Person 1’s video story #2, then swipe back to 1x speed…
…then swipe to 1/2x speed, then swipe down to return to Stories view. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

