Idea: Updated Snapchat app loading screen for clarity when Camera loads by using low opacity buttons & distinct background color in case of low light & nighttime (#12)

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2016
Tap to open the app, then the app loading screen appears with dark gray to identify in case of low light conditions and the buttons are low opacity to be clear that those buttons cannot yet be accessed, and then the opacity of the buttons goes to 100% when loading is completed. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Snapchat today:

  • There’s a loading screen before the camera loads where there appear to be buttons that you can swipe to go to chat or go to Stories, but the Camera hasn’t loaded yet so you’re not able to swipe.
  • Sometimes I have thought the camera loaded but I had swiped to go to Stories, but that didn’t register, but sometimes it does register two swipes but then that takes me to the Discovery page, so then I have to swipe back to go to Stories.
  • A strength of Snapchat is the focus on the Camera for sharing, but there’s an opportunity to make clear when the loading is completed.
  • Sometimes it’s not clear if the Camera has loaded yet because the default background color currently is sometimes the same color of what you see when you accidentally cover your hand with the camera or when in low light conditions or when outside in nighttime.

Proposed ideas:

  1. Tap on the Snapchat icon to open the app.
  2. That shows the loading screen now with dark gray and low opacity so there’s an ability to see the buttons but low enough opacity to indicate that those buttons cannot yet be tapped.
  3. Then the Camera loads to show the view of the Camera and the opacity goes to 100% on the buttons and shows the number of Chats on the left and the number of Stories on the right side to view.


  • Use a dark gray so hopefully that color can be distinguished from when you are in low light conditions.
  • Example of showing this night photo is that a dark gray or some other color may be easier to distinguish whether the Camera has loaded.
  • An alternative to gray is to use a pattern or a large Snapchat ghost icon in the middle so it’ clear when the Camera has loaded.
  • The color of the background of the app loading screen could be based on time of day or actually based on the light conditions, such as if low light conditions then find a color that would be a contrast for that time but still somewhat similar color with the goal being to make as easy as possible to view. In the case of low light conditions, then the color should not be bright.
Tap app to open, see loading screen that has dark gray and low opacity buttons to indicate that the buttons aren’t available yet to view, then upon Camera loading the buttons go to 100% opacity including showing the numbers of Chats and Stories available to view. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

