Idea: YouTube or Facebook Video full screen mobile landscape mode with swipe to go to next video or automatically play next video (#66)

Purpose is to enable the user to stay in mobile landscape mode while watching more videos.

D.J. Sherrets
D.J. Sherrets
3 min readMar 7, 2016


Start in portrait mode on Subscriptions of video, turn phone to landscape mode, tap to see buttons and tap out to not show buttons, swipe to next video and watch to end then next video plays automatically, then turn phone to portrait mode and video continues playing. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

Video today:

  • Currently, watching in landscape mode on Facebook Video does not autoplay the next video.
  • YouTube and Facebook Video do not allow to swipe to get to the next video in the list while in landscape mode.
  • YouTube in landscape mode when in a Playlist does have a “next” button to get to the next video without leaving landscape mode.

Proposed idea:

  1. Start on the Subscriptions list showing videos posted by people you have followed. Phone is in Portrait mode. Turn the phone to Landscape mode. Note that the autoplaying video goes to full screen.
  2. Tap anywhere on screen, and note that the action buttons become visible, including Pause, Next video, React, Comment, and Share.
  3. Then tap on screen again to cause those buttons to go away.
  4. Swipe to get to the next video.
  5. Watch to the end of the video, then note that automatically the following video is loaded.
  6. Change phone to portrait mode again and note that Video Title 3 that was playing is still playing in portrait mode.


  • Opportunity is to make easy to stay in landscape mode so the user can keep watching without having to change the position of the phone to get to the next video.
  • This may increase the number of videos that people watch because they can keep watching videos in their Subscriptions or Related list or any other list of videos, including the ability to quickly be able to skip videos if wanted.
Portrait mode, then landscape mode…
…then tape to see buttons on screen, then swipe to next video…
…and that video ends so next video plays automatically, then portrait mode again with Video Title 3 continuing to play. Designed by D.J. Sherrets.

© 2016 D.J. Sherrets

