A step-by-step guide for AWS EC2 provisioning using Terraform: How to deploy Django application and install SSL/TLS certificates in AWS Lightsail web server using CloudFront and ACM — Part 18

Joel Wembo
Django Unleashed
Published in
9 min readJul 27, 2024


Deploying a Django application on AWS Lightsail can be a seamless and scalable solution for your web application. By using Terraform for infrastructure management, securing the application with SSL/TLS certificates managed by AWS Certificate Manager (ACM), and distributing traffic with Amazon CloudFront, you can ensure a robust and secure deployment. This guide walks you through each step of the process.

Amazon Lightsail with django

This guide details the process of deploying a Django application on an AWS Lightsail web server and securing it with SSL/TLS certificates using AWS CloudFront and AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). The deployment procedure covers setting up the Lightsail instance, configuring the Django application, and establishing a connection with a managed PostgreSQL database. The integration of CloudFront as a content delivery network (CDN) ensures enhanced performance and security, while ACM handles the provisioning and management of SSL/TLS certificates. The comprehensive steps include:

  1. Provisioning Lightsail Instance: Initial setup of the Lightsail instance, including selecting an appropriate instance plan and…



Joel Wembo
Django Unleashed

I am a Cloud Solutions Architect @ prodxcloud. Expert in Django, AWS, AWS CDK, EKS, Serverless Computing & Terraform. https://www.linkedin.com/in/joelotepawembo