Django Lifecycle Hooks

Rishi Banerjee
Django Unleashed
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2024

Django is a robust and versatile Python web framework used by developers worldwide to build all sorts of applications. Its all about making life easier! Except, of course, when it comes to managing model triggers with signals. That’s like trying to untangle headphones that have been in your pocket for more than five minutes — frustrating, time-consuming, and a test of patience.

I first encountered signals through Dennis Ivy’s YouTube channel. He said its important and he uses it all the time, so I began integrating them across various projects, often complaining about my struggle with navigating Django’s extensive documentation.

Despite having worked with Django for two years, it was amusing how I managed to overlook signals entirely. It seems I never ventured deep enough into the documentation to unearth this feature, a testament to the vastness of Django’s capabilities waiting to be discovered.

The Headache of Django Signals

As it turns out, DjangoNauts rely on signals extensively to manage model triggers. This is fine and dandy for smaller projects. But as projects expanded into monstrosities, signals became a nightmare. Tracing signals through a large codebase felt like trying to find a specific grain of sand on a beach. It was messy, convoluted…. IT SUCKKEEEDDD! Some might call it a skill issue but still xD

Signals Revision

Django signals, much like the various tools in a developer’s toolbox, come into play at specific moments during the lifecycle of your models. Some of the signals that are most used are named ‘pre_save’, ‘post_save’, ‘pre_delete’, ‘post_delete’, so on and so forth Each has its unique timing and purpose. Showing one example here since you know? We need to visit hooks :)

- post_save: Occurs right after the model’s `save()` method. Here is a simple example, after a new user signs up, you want to send a welcome email.

This function is not a part of the model, it can be placed in the `` file, but often as the models get large, it becomes really difficult to trace down where the hell are the trigger changes coming in from. Why not make the signals a part of the model itself?

By leveraging these signals, Django developers can perform auxiliary actions related to model events, and ensure that they set up a trap for themselves and their colleagues.

Simplifying Model Events

Enter Django lifecycle hooks, the hero I didn’t know that I needed? These hooks are like having a Swiss Army knife. They follow the mantra of fat models and thin views, meaning they keep the logic within the model (where it’s supposed to be) and the views as lean as a runway model.

The Revised and Enlightened Approach

Instead of mucking about with signals, we integrate lifecycle hooks directly into our model. It’s cleaner. Imagine we have an Article model. It’s a simple model but one key difference is, it extends from LifecycleModel instead of models.Model from django.db. When the author publishes it, a simple email trigger should be there Here’s how we do it using lifecycle hooks.

In this comprehensive example, each hook serves a distinct purpose:

  • notify_author_publication_status (AFTER_SAVE): This combined hook notifies the author when their article is published or unpublished.
  • log_content_change (BEFORE_UPDATE): Before the content of an existing article is updated, this hook logs a message. This could be expanded to include more complex logic, such as versioning article content or notifying editors of pending changes.
  • cleanup_related_resources (AFTER_DELETE): After an article is deleted, this hook could be used to clean up any related resources that should no longer exist. For example, you might delete associated images, comments, or references in other parts of your application.

Watching ForeignKey Changes

This is rather interesting, when an assignment to a foreign key changes, for example the organisation the user works for changes, we can simply put it here like this. Also a trigger for the layoff.

Why Choose Django Lifecycle Hooks?

Choosing Django lifecycle hooks over signals is like choosing a well-trained Labrador over a wild, untrained hyena to be your pet. It’s just smarter. Here’s why:

- Clarity and Cohesion: Keeps your logic tidy and in one place.
- Reduced Boilerplate: Say goodbye to the ritual of connecting signals to receivers. Less code, less stress.
- Performance: Sometimes, they’re just faster.

As it says in the official documentation

‘However, my team often finds that Signals introduce unnecessary indirection and are at odds with Django’s “fat models” approach.’ — author of Django Lifecycle Hooks

They are the more civilised, sophisticated way to handle model events. It’s about keeping your codebase lean and your sanity intact.

If you think Django lifecycle hook can be a great tool in your toolbox check out more about it here.

You can check more about me at, I am still working on it, but few things surely work, hopefully. (P.S This was a shameless self promotion)

And remember, in the grand scheme of coding, using lifecycle hooks is like bringing a gun to a knife fight — a surefire way to ensure victory with minimal fuss 😉

