Django Project Structure: A Comprehensive Guide

Julio Cesar Siles Perez
Django Unleashed
Published in
9 min readAug 6, 2023

In web development, crafting a seamless digital experience goes beyond writing code; it involves orchestrating a symphony of components to work harmoniously. One key orchestrator in this process is the project’s structure. Much like the blueprint of a skyscraper, a well-organized project structure lays the foundation for a scalable and efficient web application.

Django, the venerable Python framework, offers an exhilarating journey in web development. However, Django’s prowess goes beyond its feature set; it’s embedded in how it structures projects. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll venture into the heart of Django’s project structure, exploring its significance, components, and the art of architecting for efficiency

Decoding the structure puzzle

Consider your web application as a tapestry of functions, modules, and data flows. This tapestry can quickly unravel without a structured approach, leading to confusion and inefficiencies. Django, true to its Pythonic heritage, emphasizes the Zen of organization. Its project structure isn’t just about adhering to a set pattern; it’s about amplifying your development experience.

Structured projects aren’t solely for developers; they’re for team dynamics. In a collaborative environment, a well-defined structure is a common language. It eases navigation, aids in comprehending the architecture, and fosters seamless teamwork.

Understanding Django project structure

The architecture of a Django project is the invisible force that propels your development journey. Beyond the lines of code, it encompasses a well-thought-out plan that orchestrates the harmony between different components. It’s the way your application breathes, flows, and evolves.

Deeper than a series of folders and files, Django’s project structure embodies the essence of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern — renamed as Model-View-Template (MVT) in Django. This pattern segregates the data (models), user interface (views), and control logic (templates) into distinct layers, enhancing modularity and maintainability.

This framework-driven architecture inherently separates concerns, making code maintainable and development collaborative. It’s about knowing where to find things and how to extend functionalities seamlessly. Understanding this structure not only empowers developers to create robust applications but also fosters efficient teamwork, as developers can easily navigate each other’s work and contribute effectively. By grasping the philosophy behind the structure, developers wield the power to shape applications that are not just functional, but gracefully organized, easy to maintain, and ready for future enhancements.

Prerequisites before creating a Django project

To embark on the journey of creating a Django project, a few installation steps and prerequisites are required. Familiarity with Python is essential, as Django is a Python framework. Additionally, having a virtual environment (virtualenv) set up is recommended to ensure a clean and isolated environment for your project. Understanding basic command-line operations is also advantageous, as you’ll be executing various commands throughout the project lifecycle.

Distinction Between Django Projects and Applications

Before delving into the depths of the Django project structure, it’s crucial to comprehend the fundamental distinction between a Django project and its constituent applications. This distinction forms the bedrock upon which the entire framework is built.

Django’s philosophy revolves around modularity and reusability. This is where the distinction between projects and applications comes into play. A project represents the entire web application — a collection of settings, configurations, and apps that work together to form a complete entity. An application, on the other hand, is a smaller, self-contained module within the project that serves a specific purpose. An application could be a user authentication system, a blog, or any other standalone functionality.

Crafting projects and applications

Initiating a Django project is your first stride on this journey. With a simple console command, such as:

django-admin startproject my_project

you lay the foundation for your creation. This command generates a skeletal framework with crucial configurations and settings:

├── my_project/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ ├──

Subsequently, you breathe life into your creation by sculpting applications. By executing this command from the console:

python startapp my_app

you infuse vitality into these modular functionalities. Applications stand as self-contained entities, housing their own models, views, and templates. The complete result is the following:

├── my_project/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ ├──
├── my_app/
├── migrations/
│ └──

This modular approach resonates seamlessly with Django’s “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY) philosophy.

In this case, we’ve created a project called my_project and an app_name application. These names can be changed in django-admin startproject <project_name> and python startapp <app_name> commands.

Grasping the distinction between projects and applications paves the way for an organized development journey. This distinction fosters well-defined roles, smooth collaboration, and maintainable code.

The main project directory

The main project directory in Django encapsulates the essence of your application. It’s the nucleus from which all functionalities radiate, shaping the entirety of your web venture. Within this directory reside several pivotal files, each bearing its significance in orchestrating the symphony of your development journey:

  • This small but mighty script serves as the gateway to various Django management commands. It’s the tool through which you initiate the development server, create applications, run migrations, and more. is the conductor's baton, guiding your project's activities.
  • my_project/ As the name suggests, this file houses the settings that configure your Django project. From database configurations to middleware lists, this is where you define how your application functions. It’s akin to the blueprint that shapes the structure of your project’s behavior.
  • my_project/ The URL dispatcher — encoded within—maps URLs to views. This file determines which view is displayed when a specific URL is accessed. It's like a roadmap that navigates users through the intricacies of your application's pages.
  • my_project/ Short for Web Server Gateway Interface, serves as the entry point for your application when deployed on a production server. It's the bridge connecting your application to the web server, enabling it to handle incoming requests.
  • my_project/ Similar to, is the entry point for asynchronous web servers. It stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface and facilitates the handling of asynchronous HTTP requests.
  • my_project/ This seemingly unassuming file holds the magic that transforms a directory into a Python package. It’s essential for organizing and importing modules across your project

Application directory

In the realm of Django, organizing applications extend beyond conceptual structuring — it delves into the arrangement of files that bring your applications to life. Each application’s directory is populated with files that collectively define its behavior and functionality.

Generated files and their roles

  1. At the heart of every application lies the file. This is where you define the data structures using Django's ORM (Object-Relational Mapping). Each model class represents a table in the database. This file forms the foundation of your application's data management.
  2. The file encapsulates the logic that defines how your application interacts with users' requests. Views handle data processing, rendering templates, and responding to actions. This file transforms user interactions into tangible responses.
  3. Test-driven development gains momentum through the file. Here, you write unit tests to ensure your application's components function as expected. These tests bolster the reliability and stability of your codebase.
  4. The file isn't just for administrators—it configures how your application's models are presented in Django's admin interface. This file allows administrators to manage data seamlessly.
  5. migrations: This directory is a blueprint of all changes in your application models.
  6. Other Files: Additional files might surface based on your application’s needs. For instance, houses form classes for data input, maps URLs to views, and manages application-specific configurations.

By understanding the roles of these generated files, developers can harness Django’s power to create applications that are cohesive, maintainable, and feature-rich. Each file contributes to a specific aspect of your application’s functionality, and their strategic organization paves the way for an efficient and well-structured project.

Organizing Applications within the Project

In Django, the concept of “reusable applications” is a fundamental principle that promotes modularity and code reusability. It allows developers to build independent pieces of functionality that can be easily integrated into different projects, enhancing efficiency and maintainability.

Reusable Applications

A reusable application is a self-contained package of code that encapsulates a specific functionality. This functionality can range from simple utilities to complex features. Django’s architecture encourages developers to create these applications so that they can be shared across projects without requiring extensive modifications.

Benefits of Reusable Applications:

  1. Modularity: Reusable applications are designed to be modular and independent. They can be developed, tested, and maintained separately from the main project. This modularity promotes clean code and reduces the complexity of the main project.
  2. Code Reusability: Once an application is built and tested, it can be reused in multiple projects. This reduces development time by eliminating the need to rewrite similar functionality for different projects.
  3. Standardization: Reusable applications often follow consistent coding conventions, enhancing code consistency across projects. This also facilitates collaboration among developers.
  4. Community Contributions: Django’s ecosystem benefits from a wide range of open-source reusable applications. Developers can leverage these pre-built applications to save time and effort.
  5. Maintainability: Since reusable applications are self-contained, updates and bug fixes can be applied to the application itself without affecting the projects that use it. This makes maintenance easier and reduces the risk of introducing unintended changes to the main project

Best practice for project structure

Maintaining a clean and organized project structure is crucial for the readability, scalability, and maintainability of your Django project. Following best practices in project structuring ensures that your codebase is easily understandable and adaptable.

Directory Hierarchy

A well-organized project structure typically follows this hierarchy:

├── project_name/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├─
│ ├─
│ ├──
├── app1/
├── app2/
├── static/
├── media/
├── templates/
  • project_name: The root directory of your project.
  • project_name/project_name: This inner directory holds core project settings and configuration.
  • app1, app2: These are the individual apps you create within the project.
  • static: Houses static files like CSS, JavaScript, and images.
  • media: Stores user-uploaded files.
  • templates: Contains HTML templates.

Naming Conventions

Consistency in naming conventions enhances code readability. Follow these conventions:

  • Apps: Use lowercase names, with underscores instead of spaces. Example: my_app.
  • Modules: Use lowercase names with underscores for module files. Example:
  • Classes: Use CamelCase for class names. Example: MyClass.
  • Functions and Variables: Use lowercase with underscores for function and variable names. Example: my_function

Modular Code Design

Organize your codebase into modular components, making each component focused on a specific task. This makes code easier to understand, test, and maintain.

  • Apps: Divide your project into multiple apps based on functionality. Each app should be self-contained, handling a specific feature.
  • Views: Keep your views concise and focused on handling HTTP requests. Use class-based views for better organization.
  • Models: Organize models in a way that reflects your project’s data structure. Utilize model inheritance and related fields.
  • Templates: Use template inheritance to avoid code duplication. Create reusable templates and keep them organized.
  • Utils: For utility functions or classes that are used across the project, create a utils module within your app.


Keep your project settings in the file within the inner project directory. Use environment variables for sensitive information.

Version Control

Use version control, like Git, to track changes and collaborate effectively. Create a .gitignore file to exclude unnecessary files from version control.


Document your code, including docstrings for functions, classes, and modules. Use comments to explain complex logic or decision-making.

Testing and Deployment

Implement unit and integration tests to ensure code quality. Follow continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices.


In conclusion, understanding Django project structure is pivotal for effective web development. We’ve navigated through the Django project landscape, from comprehending the unique project-application relationship to dissecting the MVC architecture (MVT) that forms its backbone. Our step-by-step guide has elucidated the creation of a new Django project using the django-admin command, giving insight into the fundamental main project directory and its constituent elements.

Through this journey, we've grasped the pivotal role of managing tasks and the versatility of in configuring project behaviors. Additionally, the concept of reusable applications has been explored, emphasizing the benefits of their modular design and autonomy. By embracing best practices for project structure, such as adopting consistent naming conventions, establishing a clear directory hierarchy, and modular code design, developers can elevate their Django projects to the realm of efficiency, maintainability, and scalability.

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Julio Cesar Siles Perez
Django Unleashed

Software Developer | Computer Scientist | Data Scientist | Back-End Developer