Mastering Django ModelForms: A Comprehensive Guide to Effortless Form Handling in Django

Django Unleashed
Published in
7 min readDec 6, 2023

Django Models

In Django, a model is a Python class that represents a database table. Django models define the structure of database tables and provide a high-level, Pythonic way of interacting with the database. Models are used to create, retrieve, update, and delete records in the database.

Here are some key points about Django models:

Class Definition: Models are defined as Python classes that inherit from django.db.models.Model.

from django.db import models

class YourModel(models.Model):
# Fields are defined as class attributes
field1 = models.CharField(max_length=100)
field2 = models.IntegerField()
# ...

Fields: Class attributes in a model class represent the fields of the corresponding database table. Django provides various field types (e.g., CharField, IntegerField, DateField) to define the type of data a field can hold.

Database Table: Each model corresponds to a database table, and each field corresponds to a column in that table.

Primary Key: By default, Django automatically adds an integer primary key field (id) to each model. However, you can customize the primary key or use other fields as the primary key.

ORM (Object-Relational Mapping): Django’s ORM system allows you to interact with the database using Python code rather than SQL queries. You can perform database operations using model instances and querysets.

Migrations: Django provides a migration system that allows you to evolve the database schema over time. Migrations are Python files that define changes to the database structure.

Admin Interface: Django includes a built-in admin interface that is automatically generated based on the models. This makes it easy to perform CRUD operations on the database through a web interface.

Django Forms

In Django, forms are a mechanism to handle HTML forms and their data on the server side. Django forms simplify the process of collecting and validating user input, and they provide an easy way to render HTML form elements. Forms in Django are based on Python classes and are part of the Django forms library.

Here are some key points about Django forms:

Class-Based: Django forms are defined as Python classes that inherit from ‘django.forms.Form’ or ‘django.forms.ModelForm’. Form fields are defined as class attributes.

 from django import forms

class YourForm(forms.Form):
# Define form fields as class attributes
field1 = forms.CharField(max_length=100)
field2 = forms.IntegerField()
# ...

Field Types: Django provides various form field classes (e.g., CharField, IntegerField, DateField) that map to different HTML form elements.

Validation: Forms automatically validate user input based on the field types and any additional validation rules specified in the form class.

Rendering HTML: Forms can be used to render HTML form elements in templates, automatically generating the necessary HTML markup for each field.

<!-- Example template rendering a form -->
<form method="post" action="{% url 'your_view_name' %}">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.as_p }}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

CSRF stands for Cross-Site Request Forgery, and it is a type of attack where a malicious website tricks a user’s browser into performing actions on another website where the user is authenticated. To prevent CSRF attacks, Django includes a security feature known as the CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) token.

The CSRF token is a unique, unpredictable value that is included in forms and requests sent by the browser to the server. The server generates this token and includes it in the form or as a part of the request data. When the form is submitted, the server checks that the received CSRF token matches the expected value. If the tokens do not match, the server rejects the request, considering it a potential CSRF attack.

In Django, you can include the CSRF token in your forms using the {% csrf_token %} template tag.

ModelForms: ModelForm is a special type of form that is automatically generated based on a Django model. It simplifies the process of creating forms for models and handling form validation and saving data to the database.

from django import forms
from .models import YourModel

class YourModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = YourModel
fields = ['field1', 'field2']

Handling Form Submissions: Forms are typically used in Django views to handle form submissions. Views process the submitted data, validate it using the form, and take appropriate actions (e.g., save data to the database).

Widgets: Form fields can be associated with widgets, which control the HTML representation of the form element. For example, a CharField can be rendered as a text input or a textarea.

Customization: You can customize form behavior by defining methods in the form class, such as ‘clean()’ for additional validation logic or ‘save()’ for handling the data after validation.

Django forms play a crucial role in building interactive web applications by facilitating the interaction between the user and the server for collecting and processing data.

Sample Project

Let’s follow this tutorial for creating a model form of your own.

My Project Structure is going to be like through out this tutorial

├── migrations/
│ └──
| └──css (directory)
| └──styles.css
| └──images (directory)
| └── background.jpg
├── templates (directory)
  1. I have create a model named ‘user_registration’ with first_name , last_name , gender , email fields

we will discuss more about django field options in upcoming blogs

2. Now create a new file named ‘’ to create a ModelForm.

In Django, the Meta class in a ModelForm is used to provide additional information about the form and its behavior. It allows you to specify metadata for the form that goes beyond the individual fields. The Meta class is defined inside the form class and is used to configure various aspects of the form.

3. Now it is a time to render our form in a

To render a form in a Django view, you typically create an instance of the form and pass it to the template context. Then, in the template, you can use the form’s methods to generate the HTML representation.

In the above code snippet if request.method == ‘POST’ checks whether the incoming HTTP request is a POST request. In web development, a POST request is often used when submitting data through a form. So, this condition is checking if the form on the webpage has been submitted.

form = YourForm(request.POST): If the request method is POST, this line creates an instance of the form (YourForm) using the data that was submitted with the POST request (request.POST). The request.POST contains the data sent by the form.

if form.is_valid(): After creating the form instance, this condition checks if the submitted data is valid according to the form’s validation rules. Form validation includes checking required fields, data types, and any additional validation rules you might have defined in the form class.

4. It is a best pratice to register your model in so that we can access our models in Django admin panel.

I have done necessary setting to access templates & static file in

Take a time Read my other blogs if you are not familiar with Django templates & Static files ☕ 😊

Master Django Templates and Take Your Web Development Skills to the Next Level

Mastering Django Template Inheritance: Building Consistent and Maintainable Web Pages

Demystifying Django Static Files: A Comprehensive Guide to Handling Static Content in Your Web Applications

Sample Screenshots

Django Model Form generated

Before we have registered the models in . so that we can access our model in admin panel

User_registrations model is appearing in admin panel
Data Saved from Django model form

The data is saved to the data base using django model forms.

Access this whole project at my DjangoForms repository

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