The Power of Django Session with Example: A Hands-On Guide

Mehedi Khan
Django Unleashed
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2024
The Power of Django Session


Welcome, fellow coders, to the wild world of Django sessions! šŸš€ In this tutorial, weā€™re going to dive deep into the Django frameworkā€™s session handling magic, armed with real-life examples that will make your coding journey smoother than a well-butteredĀ ā˜ŗ slide.

So, buckle up and get ready to ride the Django session express! šŸŽ¢

What on Earth is a Django Session?

Before we embark on this adventure, letā€™s tackle the big question: What exactly is a Django session, and why should you care? Well, my friend, imagine Django sessions as the secret handshake between your web application and its users. Itā€™s the glue that keeps things together, allowing you to store and retrieve user-specific information between different requests.

Unveiling the Mystery: How Sessions Work

Hereā€™s the lowdown in simple terms:

  1. Client Requests a Page: When a user requests a page from your Django-powered site, Django creates a unique session ID for that user.
  2. Server Sends ID to Client: This shiny new session ID is then sent back to the userā€™s browser via cookies.
  3. Client Sends ID with Future Requests: Every time the user interacts with your site, they send the session ID back to the server. Itā€™s like a secret code that unlocks their personalized experience.
  4. Server Retrieves Data: Armed with the session ID, Django retrieves the userā€™s stored data. Itā€™s like magic, but with a touch of programming!

Letā€™s Get Our Hands DirtyĀ ā˜ŗ: Django Session Example

Enough theory; letā€™s code! Imagine youā€™re building a fancy e-commerce site, and you want to remember the userā€™s shopping cart items. Thatā€™s where Django sessions come to the rescue.

Step 1: Setting Up Django

Fire up your terminal and create a new Django project. If you donā€™t have Django installed, you can easily do so with:

pip install django

Once Django is installed, create your project:

django-admin startproject shopping_cart

Step 2: Creating an App

Now, letā€™s create an app within our project:

cd shopping_cart
python startapp cart

Step 3: Coding the Magic

Open up your in the 'cart' app and let the magic begin:

from django.shortcuts import render

def add_to_cart(request, item):
# Retrieve the user's cart from the session, or create a new one
cart = request.session.get('cart', [])

# Add the selected item to the cart

# Update the session data
request.session['cart'] = cart

# Render the updated cart
return render(request, 'cart/cart.html', {'cart': cart})

In this snippet, weā€™re creating a simple view that adds an item to the userā€™s shopping cart. Notice how weā€™re using the request.session object to store and retrieve the cart data. It's like having a digital shopping assistant who never forgets what's in your cart!

Step 4: Wiring Up the URLs

Donā€™t forget to wire up the URLs to make our view accessible. In your

from django.urls import path
from .views import add_to_cart

urlpatterns = [
path('add_to_cart/<item>/', add_to_cart, name='add_to_cart'),
# Add more URLs as needed

Step 5: Template Magic

Create a simple HTML template to display the userā€™s cart. Letā€™s call it cart.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Your Shopping Cart</title>
<h1>Your Shopping Cart</h1>
{% for item in cart %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Step 6: Supercharge Your Settings

Donā€™t forget to enable sessions in your


# ...

# ...
# ...

# ...
# ...

# ...

SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.file'

Step 7: Run the Show

Now, fire up your Django development server:

python runserver

Navigate to and watch the magic unfold! You've just implemented a basic Django session to manage a user's shopping cart.

FAQs: Unraveling More Django Session Mysteries

Q1: Can I Store More Than Just Lists in Sessions?

Absolutely! Django sessions are not picky eaters. You can store dictionaries, strings, numbers, or even custom objects. Just remember to keep it serializable!

Q2: How Long Do Sessions Last?

By default, Django sessions last until the user closes their browser. But youā€™re the boss! You can customize session duration in your

Q3: Is It Secure to Store User Data in Sessions?

Django sessions are designed with security in mind. User data is stored on the server, and only a session ID is sent to the client. Just ensure your site uses HTTPS to keep things extra safe.

Q4: What Happens if a User Disables Cookies?

Django is no quitter! If cookies are disabled, it automatically falls back to appending the session ID to URLs. Problem solved!

Conclusion: Mastering the Django Session Dance

There you have it, brave coder! Youā€™ve danced through the Django session jungle, taming the wild beasts of web development with real-world examples. Now, armed with the power of sessions, you can build web applications that remember, personalize, and dazzle users with a seamless experience.

Remember, Django sessions are your secret weapon, your sidekick in the world of web development. So go ahead, sprinkle that session magic in your projects, and watch as your applications become more user-friendly and engaging than ever before. Happy coding, and may the sessions be ever in your favor! šŸŒāœØ



Mehedi Khan
Django Unleashed

I'm a Software engineer. I'm comfortable with Python, Django, Full-stack Web Development. Trying To Reach 1K Follower šŸ«¶ Pls Follow To Support Me On Medium šŸ«