Beatport Link playlists in 2 minutes

Easiest way to create a Beatport Link playlist from any Beatport Cart or Chart page.

6 min readJul 19, 2019


Is this the future? Maybe — but not if playlist management is not imported.


Beatport have added the “Add to Playlist” function as off today, 3 October 2019. More info here:


Beatport Link integration in Rekordbox and WeDJ is in BETA and does not yet make it easy to curate the tracks you want to play. The best way is to use your Beatport Link playlists.

… but the Beatport website (and the Beatport Pro app) don’t support easy ways of adding tracks to a playlist.

This is why I build this little tool.

The BPPL tool copies all tracks from any of your Beatport Carts or a Top-100 Charts (overall or genre specific, like the Beatport Techno Top 100) to one of your Beatport Link Playlists.

Here is a little video on my freshtechno instagram showing the tool and how quickly it lets you create Beatport link playlists.

How do I use this?

1) Subscribe to Beatport Link (there is a 30 day trial)

2) Create a playlist and copy the playlist ID (the digits at the end of the URL) like i’ve shown below.

For example in the URL below the playlist ID is 1713

3) Make sure your browser bookmark/favorite bar is visible in your browser

  • In Chrome you do this via the View menu, choose Always show Bookmark Bar
  • In Safari use the View menu and click Show Favorites Bar

4) Drag the bookmarklet below into your bookmark bar

⚠️ As you are reading this on Medium — and they dont support Bookmarklet style linking — go to the Step 4 on the main BPPL site (wait for it to load), and drag the into your Bookmark Fav bar there.

Or you can manually create the bookmarklet if you know how to. Ive included details below the gif ⬇️.

Here is a little Gif example:

To manually create the bookmarklet — create a bookmark in your browser and paste the code below in the address field:

5) Browse to a Release, Cart or Chart page on Beatport that you want to import to your playlist — for example the Techno Top 100 … just because I ❤️ techno of course.

6) Click the BPPL bookmark in your bookmark bar — if you are not logged in & subscribed the Beatport Link it will show you an error.

7) Enter the playlist ID from step 2

8) (optional) subscribe to our mailinglist so we can keep you posted of updated & dj streaming news

9) View your playlist on Beatport to confirm tracks have been imported

10) Enjoy the newly added tracks in Rekordbox (Beta), WeDj and Soon Denon.


Thats Awesome. You saved me hours of time!!! How can I thank you?


Just spread the love for this little tool by sharing this page and follow me on instagram at freshtechno .

Oh and check out our techno playlist and podcast of course 😄

Which Beatport pages does this work on?

Right now it works on the following type of pages:

  • Top 100 Chart, and Genre Top 100 charts
  • User created charts
  • Your main Cart, and custom Carts
  • A specific release page (but not Top releases charts, or releases in your cart)

Does this work with Beatport Pro?

Glad you ask. I primarily use Beatport Pro desktop App for my track selection. I then have a number of Carts that I add tracks to.

Beatport Pro right now does not support Beatport Link playlists.

To import tracks added to Carts in Beatport Pro — you will need to login to the Beatport website, browse to the cart in question, for example the Main Cart, and run the bookmarklet.

How does it work?

BPPL consists of 2 parts:

  1. The Bookmarklet loads some hosted Javascript code into the Beatport webpage and executes it
  2. The hosted JS code gets the track IDs from the webpage you are on, and calls one of the Beatport APIs from your browser to add the tracks.

Can I turn these into Rekordbox Playlists ?

Yes this is now possible — with a painful workaround.

Is it safe?

Its as safe as any bookmarklet or extension. You do not need to share your beatport login info with the bookmarklet, and it does not have access to this information.

What information do you record?

Nothing personal if you dont subscribe. The only thing we always record is the number of tracks imported so we can get an idea if people actually use this.

How do you know my email when I choose the subscribe?

Once the tracks have been added to your playlist, you are shown a popup to give you the choice whether to subscribe to our mailing list.

Because Beatport include details about you in their web application, when you agree the bookmarklet gets this info and sends it to our systems to subscribe you.

At the moment the bookmarklet passes this information on:

  • email
  • first & last name
  • total orders you placed with beatport

How do we unsubscribe?

For now, just ping me a DM on instagram at freshtechno. Or reply to one of our emails to ask us to unsubscribe you from the mailing list.

Can I see the code?

You cant embed bookmarklets on Medium — so I created a little Glitch site with all the detail and the code. Besides Techno I also love Coding and Glitch is the best way.

This tool consists of 2 bits of code. You can view it together with the code running this little page here.

The 2 files are:

1) the bookmarklet — which is the code added as a browser bookmark

2) the bppl.js file — which is added to the beatport page when you click the bookmark and that includes the bulk of the code for this tool

Can I help improve this?

Yeah that would be awesome. I setup a Techno team on Glitch, so hit me up on Instagram DM with your Glitch account and I can add you.

Why does it use an external file?

I did this so its easier to update the tool with new features and fix bugs without you having to update your bookmarklet each time.

What improvements are you planning:

Plenty of ideas — but lets see if people find this useful first 😄

  • Add some validation to make sure user is on the right page
  • Enable track import from release pages
  • Import tracks from releases added to cart
  • Add tracks to cart from a playlist
  • Embed the app in the page, rather then using browser popups
  • Let user select the playlist in a dropdown
  • Dont copy dupplicate tracks
  • Option to clear the playlist before adding tracks
  • Turn it into a browser extension

