Published in
1 min readAug 31, 2011

A friends of my recently told me about an iPhone app called i Doser. This app uses a technology called binaural beats to achieve drug-like effects without actually taking drugs. It is basically just an MP3 file that you listen to and get high. They have everything from weed to LSD. I have not personally tried this but it sounds a little crazy/dangerous. It sounds a little bit like mind control to me and I have read reports that extended use of them can be damaging to your health. They can actually mix these beats with regular music in a way that you don’t know that your listening to it. Read this how to article here. This got me thinkning that a DJ could easily drop some binaural beats into a set without you even knowing.. How many times have I i Dosed without even knowing it? If they can design beats to make you high then what else can they design them to do? I don’t recommend the use of any of these products I just thought the topic was interesting. I am curious has anyone used this before, please leave a comment with your experiences.



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