Bridging Logistics and Social Connectivity in Web 3.0: Social Transportation Platform LODIS

dKargo Official Blog
5 min readOct 19, 2023

Chapter 1

Introducing the World of LODIS

In recent years, a surge of innovative initiatives has swept across various sectors during the Web 2.0 era, seeking to address persistent challenges. The catalyst for this transformation has been the advent of blockchain technology, which has breathed new life into business models once deemed implausible. Unfortunately, the majority of these endeavors have faltered.

The primary cause of this recurring failure can be attributed to an overarching emphasis on business models geared towards maximizing rewards based on user behaviors and associated risks, rather than addressing genuine user needs. This approach has, unfortunately, led to a marked departure from the path to mass adoption, revealing significant shortcomings in user engagement and interactions.

In this dynamic environment, dKargo has derived valuable insights from a spectrum of both successful and unsuccessful ventures. Rather than adhering to the conventional route of exclusively enhancing the value of $DKA or remedying preexisting issues within the logistics sector through the integration of Web 3.0, dKargo is resolutely committed to establishing an ecosystem that fosters fresh value creation by catalyzing interactions within a diverse user community.

Chapter 2

From Fragmented and Inconvenient Blockchain Services to a Seamless One-Stop Solution

The usability of blockchain-based services has long been fraught with challenges and inconveniences for many users. Transitioning from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 services often demands considerable time and effort, as users grapple with the complexities of locating the optimal methods for replicating familiar experiences. This frequently entails navigating through multiple platforms, ultimately leading to a significant Bounce Rate, owing to the intricacies involved in the process.

Conversely, LODIS has been meticulously architected to elevate the user experience by consolidating Send, Swap, Bridge, and Service functionalities within a unified, one-stop framework. This strategic design empowers even those with limited experience to effortlessly access these services.

In an endeavor to maximize user engagement, LODIS has chosen to develop within the Polygon environment, as opposed to Ethereum. This decision is driven by the desire to mitigate user inconveniences and mitigate dropouts attributable to gas fee issues. During its closed beta phase, LODIS has implemented a gas-less, EIP-2771 compliant structure, thereby delivering an enhanced user experience.

LODIS users are now able to execute services within a more user-friendly ecosystem, unburdened by the nuisances and additional costs that might emerge due to insufficient gas fees or transaction execution failures during smart contract calls and transaction signatures.

dKargo is committed to an ongoing exploration of diverse technological advancements throughout the closed beta period, with a focus on expanding the scope of use cases pertaining to the gas-less feature, while perpetually refining the user experience.

Chapter 3

The Blockchain Framework of LODIS

dKargo is resolutely dedicated to the establishment and activation of an innovative logistics ecosystem founded upon blockchain technology. The primary objective is to rectify the existing disparity between real-world logistics and the available information, thereby empowering each user to harness their unique strengths and maximize operational efficiency. This approach creates pivotal touchpoints for collaborative interactions among users, thereby nurturing a business model that prioritizes cooperative endeavors.

Through the application of smart contracts, the execution of direct agreements between concerned parties becomes a streamlined reality, simplifying intricate transaction processes. This innovation proves particularly advantageous in common logistical scenarios where numerous carriers function as freelancers. Take, for example, messenger services, where a substantial portion of customer fees (approximately 15% to 23%) is conventionally absorbed by intermediary platforms or offices, thus limiting the earnings of individual carriers.

dKargo’s mission is to rectify such structural issues by facilitating direct contracts between shippers and carriers, all facilitated through smart contracts.

Within the LODIS framework, meticulously validated activity histories of users are systematically amassed, with heightened rewards reserved for those who make significant contributions to the ecosystem. In a Web 3.0 logistics ecosystem, the cultivation of verified users and the gradual exclusion of malicious or uncooperative users are pivotal in fostering a sustainable environment.

LODIS, in line with this ethos, is designed to nurture verified users by allocating a portion of user-matching costs to the Treasury smart contract, which periodically disburses rewards to those making substantial contributions. This structure actively encourages the accumulation of logistical expertise, particularly among less-experienced users, thereby fostering a value-enhancing synergy within the overarching ecosystem.

Furthermore, LODIS ensures a secure environment that safeguards against accidents or losses during the delivery process. As part of this assurance, a predetermined quantity of tokens is held as collateral during the agreement between shippers and carriers, providing compensation in the event of operational mishaps — a mechanism akin to insurance, affording users a greater degree of security and confidence.

Chapter 4

Empowering Collaborative Endeavors in LODIS: SBT and DAO

Within the dynamic realm of user interactions, the blockchain serves as a repository for accumulating activity records. This repository, over time, yields a growing cohort of verified users. In this phase, we harness the capabilities of SBT and DAO to distinguish trustworthy users based on validated activity histories and to discern them from those who might harbor malicious intent or exhibit exclusive behaviors.

SBT (Soul Bound Token): Fostering Trust and Demonstrating Credibility

As a pivotal mechanism for engendering trust within the logistics ecosystem, SBT leverages various variables. These encompass metrics like the number of order registrations, the successful completion of deliveries, and the cumulative amounts of rewards earned. These variables enable users to secure distinct privileges within the ecosystem, including access rights, priority in receiving rewards, participation in airdrops, and more.

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization): Cultivating Collaborative Value through User Communities

The framework of DAO fosters an environment where users can pool their strengths and resources, giving rise to communities within the ecosystem. For instance, smaller enterprises or startups lacking a robust logistics infrastructure can collaborate with ecosystem users to co-create pragmatic use cases. These collaborations enable the establishment of expedited delivery systems and the eventual development of a diverse array of efficient business models.

Exclusive SBT for the Closed Beta Whitelist

During the closed beta phase, SBT will be exclusively granted to users who have been whitelisted and have completed the entire journey. For comprehensive demonstrations of SBT and DAO in practical application, please refer to the official version, which offers in-depth, real-world examples showcasing the effective utilization of these systems within the closed beta environment.

In summary:

  • LODIS provides a seamless user experience, even for individuals unfamiliar with blockchain technology.
  • LODIS offers top-tier services with minimal reliance on intermediaries.
  • SBT serves as a means to validate users’ credit and foster trust through their activity history.

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