dKargo & Easygo to Collaborate on Kakaopay Shipping Logistics Data

dKargo Official Blog
Mar 3, 2021

dKargo is joining forces with Easygo to collaborate on Kakaopay Shipping logistics data. Easygo is a joint venture of Kakaopay, Deleo, and Lotte Global Logis which is operating Kakaopay Shipping Service. Together with the orders processed through Kakaopay Shipping, various information coming from the warehouses, freight services, and other participants during the course of delivery will be stored as transactions on dKargo blockchain, bringing improvement to the overall quality of Kakaopay Shipping.

Kakaopay Shipping data on dKargo blockchain network would be able to be seen on dScanner, a blockchain-based logistics transaction monitoring tool.

Link to dScanner:

Thank you.



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