dKargo Technical Update | 20th July 2021

dKargo Official Blog
1 min readJul 20, 2021

Below is the detailed information on dKargo’s latest development updates.

1) E-commerce Order Management System

  • Added Logistics Company System in Order Management System
  • Test In-System Order Management Function
  • Added feature Order, Stock Management function
  • Logic aggregation dWallet
  • UI/UX Renovation and Improvement

2) dScanner

  • Patch renewal Version Architecture
  • Renewal Current Logistics Data Collection
  • Added feature RoutingPiling API

3) dWallet

  • Web-based Crypto Currency Wallet
  • Develop Coin Transfer & Storing at dWallet
  • Interlock Order Management System

4) Smart Contract Development

  • Added feature Logistics Event Record Contract
  • Ethereum-based Smart Contract
  • Development of an improvement version reflecting improvements based on V1
  • Use In-system Delivery Code Defining: Order Management, Delivery Management and Completion
  • Bug-fixing order Volume Contract Architecture
  • Design incentive Contract Architecture

5) Interaction Library Development

  • Development of a logistics Event Record Contract Interaction Library
  • Beta testing contract Interaction Library
  • Ethereum-based Task Note
    — web3.js base R/W library Developing
    — web3.js base block-subscription library Developing
    — web3-java base R/W library Developing
    — web3-java base block-subscription library Developing



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