dKargo Technical Update | 26th November 2020

dKargo Official Blog
Nov 26, 2020

Below is the detailed information on dKargo’s latest development updates.


  • Changed the incentive policy
    - before: Incentives accumulates in a batch per entire delivery processes completed
    - now: Incentives accumulate for each process finished during the entire delivery
  • [Ongoing] Node setup and operation designing
  • [Ongoing] Developing private key management module

API server

  • [Ongoing] Developing system integration API
  • [Ongoing] Designing shipper/logistics company registration process


  • Added confirmation routine on transaction event log
  • Added confirmation routine for settlement transaction
  • [Ongoing] Page display and sync testing


  • [Ongoing] Developing incentive integration system

All the major technical updates on the project will be available on dKargo’s GitHub page.

Thank you.



dKargo Official Blog

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