More About DKargo Fulfillment Service (Closed Beta)

dKargo Official Blog
2 min readJan 11, 2022

Hello dKargo community,

We’re here to introduce dFull, dKargo’s fulfillment service, handling product storage and delivery for logistics operations.

dFull is a service that provides essential functions to B2C e-commerce operators in most areas of logistics from the first-mile to the last-mile of sales products.

We provide logistics services such as authentication tokens and signature NFTs to secure reliability with blockchain technology, and provide more efficient fulfillment services with decentralized settlement and incentives differentiated from the existing fulfillment services through Smart-Contract.

Key Features

  • simplified service application and contract process
  • one-pass process from login to warehousing
  • authentification for all services with issuance of a business certificate
  • full monitoring of order-related life-cycle at a glance on dashboard


  • low reliance on logistics managers through certificates and reliability
  • intuitive and aesthetically differentiated from existing services
contract explorer


  • electronic contract through self-blockchain identity authentication
  • reliable and transparent order management with decentralized technology
  • affordable fulfillment service that pays for what you spend

Technical Points

  • logistics-based blockchain HUB-SYSTEM construction
  • electronic contract function based on decentralized identity authentication
  • multi-sig based multi-party contract creation
  • smart contract based order creation and status management
dash board



dKargo Official Blog

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